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coral problems


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i bought a star polyp. the colony never opened up. the kenya tree and xenia is doing fine. but the star polyp not so. it never opened up. on the rock is a pink jelly covering that i figure is the main body for the coral. i can see many polyp heads. and on the pink jelly body of the coral there are white spots. not sure if its dying back or if it is just taking longer to adjust to the tank conditions. i didnt detect any bad chem levels. am i worrying too much? should i just wait it out? it is in good water flow.

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How long has it been in your tank? They can take some time to adjust, especially if you didn't acclimate them.

They are tough, and will come back even if you lose some to die-off. They can take a lot of abuse. When mine was covered in hair algae, I would brush it with a toothbrush. It would open up about 2 hours later. Give it some time. They also prefer higher flow areas, and ironically, do better in dirtier water. When I installed my skimmer, my gsp didn't spread nearly as fast. It's still spreading, but really, really slow.

Edited by Beretta
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How long has it been in your tank? They can take some time to adjust, especially if you didn't acclimate them.

They are tough, and will come back even if you lose some to die-off. They can take a lot of abuse. When mine was covered in hair algae, I would brush it with a toothbrush. It would open up about 2 hours later. Give it some time. They also prefer higher flow areas, and ironically, do better in dirtier water. When I installed my skimmer, my gsp didn't spread nearly as fast. It's still spreading, but really, really slow.

this morning half the colony was out. but now it went back. so its not dad. that is really reasuring. but still im worried about my cucumber. ive seen it come out twice now. but most of the time i just see it squished under the rock. it is still alive, it moves. but the filter thingies i dont ever see out. is it a night time thing? the polyps were only out in the dark and whenn i turned on the lights the polyps closed up.

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First: Check your water parameters.

Second: Do you have any fish that might be picking on them.

Third: Check for asterina starfish (small blueish/gray).

Everytime my gsp were receding or retracted something was bothering them or getting eaten. I found out that this small starfish were eating the tissue of and there for I had a constant battle with this pest. I moved it to another tank and are recovering. Maybe there still adjusting to your tank. Hope all goes well.


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First: Check your water parameters.

Second: Do you have any fish that might be picking on them.

Third: Check for asterina starfish (small blueish/gray).

Everytime my gsp were receding or retracted something was bothering them or getting eaten. I found out that this small starfish were eating the tissue of and there for I had a constant battle with this pest. I moved it to another tank and are recovering. Maybe there still adjusting to your tank. Hope all goes well.


Wo ... something actually eats GSP?!?! :o

I need some of that.. my GSP is taking over the tank :)

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