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I recently killed my tank... and will probably be starting over once I move to austin.

So I figured I should think about changing some stuff up.

Currently I have a 20g high with a HOB protein skimmer and a HOB marineland 280 with carbon and GFO.

I am pretty much open to any ideas. I would like to do a sump but I would have to get a new stand, tank, and new skimmer. I have also thought of keeping my protein skimmer and getting 2 HOB media reactors from seaside and run carbon and gfo.

Any thoughts?

Should I break down and upgrade to a sump or just wait until I get a bigger tank?


PS. This is for the future, not while im in the recovery stage..

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I would go with a sump if I could swing it. I don't use skimmers but a sump increases the volume and surface area of the system and if you like running a lot of anciliary equipment like skimmers, reactors they are usually easier to setup and maintenance in a sump.

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Good point. But would it be worth it if i plan to upgrade to a bigger tank in less than 2 years?

What do you run? I thinking about getting an AC 50 or something and running carbon and a media bag of GFO?

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. . . But would it be worth it if i plan to upgrade to a bigger tank in less than 2 years? . . .

Good question. Regarding your existing system was it working well for you as far as ease of maintenance and healthy animals? If you spend the money now is there going to be a twinge of regret or doubt for spending the money and effort now everytime you look at your tank or work on it? Will you feel better saving the money now? Can you set up your existing system where it won't be in the way of your new system letting you run them concurrently for a time or should you consider upgrading now with equipment you can use on your new system?

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Its all so perplexing! lol.

Scubasteve, I went from a 10-gallon, to a 65-gallon, to a 125-gallon. I really wished I just went straight to the 125-gallon, would have saved some dough.

I agree! Will probably bypass a medium size tank(40-70g) and go on to something 100g+. Just want to avoid upgrading and then regreting it.

@Timfish, lots of really good points. Sounds like i need to do some research.

Everything worked great! I had just added a new light and could already tell a big difference, so my existing setup is ok, I would just prefer a cleaner look, I guess.

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You could go in stages in a single upgrade. As in buying the sump for your "final" DT, like a 33L or 50m gallon and either using it as a sump on your current DT (would look a little funny but work) or make it your DT and your current tank the sump (more effort and have to deal with multiple stands).

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