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Coral Pox!


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Not sure if i should be alarmed but yesterday i found several white bumps on my zoos. Then i started to look closely at the others and all of them have at least 1 white bump. After looking it up online i found out it was the Coral Pox. Has anyone had this before? If so, what did you do to get rid of it? Wasn't sure if this was an emergency type subject so i placed it here in the Reef Keeping because i would REALLY like to keep my Reef!!!

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I've read that dipping them in Furan-2 is the best fix. DON'T DOSE THE WHOLE TANK.

But I've never had them myself, just read articles in passing. Hopefully someone who has dealt with them personally might be able to shed some light on what else can be done.

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Are the zoas opened? Sometimes zoas have white bumps on them naturally, if it's new white bumps I would be more concerned. Can you get a picture? It won't hurt them to dip in furan 2, just follow instructions for zoas and not for fish. I think the dip for zoas must be stronger since its only a dip and not a bath. Keep in mind that if you dip an entire rock it will kill all the bacteria on that rock which can cause a small spike in nitrates if the rock is big enough. You can always just submerge the part of the rock with the zoas on it instead of submerging the entire rock.

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Some are closed and some slightly opened. But for sure its the pox. They weren't there the other day. Where can i buy the furan-2? Almost all of my zoas are still on frags so it shouldn't be hard. Just a few are on my main rock. Luckily everything is in my 8 gallon..i've read that sometimes when you change the charcoal that this could happen. I changed it last week so i wonder if this is true. I'll get pics tonight .... just saw the bumps this morning before work...

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I dealt with it in my nano cube I had about 4 years. Looking back, I honestly think it was a water quality issue when I had the old tank. Something with small water volumes and their ability to be stricken with epidemics quite quickly. My guess is bacterial levels, but that's a total shot in the dark with no scientific backing.

I treated with furan and it saved some of the colonies but others were melting away at a rapid rate. I did a couple of large water changes too. I honestly think just removing my zoas and putting it in someone else's tank for awhile to recover in a better quality environment would have been the answer. JMO, but I think the poor quality water I had in the nanocube caused the onset of zoa pox due to the poorer health of the zoas. It was an effect of the poor health, not the cause IMO.

If you want, I have some packets of the Furan left after my treatment. Let me know if you want it. I originally found it at RCA those many years ago. I'll appreciate a frag of something I don't have but its definitely not needed and you can have it for free. LMK


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If you use furan-2, PLEASE use it as a DIP!! Do not treat the whole tank!! Believe me!

+1 Nothing like highlighter green water!


If you want, I have some packets of the Furan left after my treatment. Let me know if you want it. I originally found it at RCA those many years ago. I'll appreciate a frag of something I don't have but its definitely not needed and you can have it for free. LMK


Yeah i i'll take the offer. I really need it and won't get paid till friday. Just let me know where we can meet. Maybe RCA? As for the coral all i have are zoas and they all have white bumps....IDK if you want that crap in your tank right now....thanks

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So how could this have happened? Was it from a frag from somebody or just happens from time to time? I had just done a 50% water change last week and added new BioZorb from Rena. Just weird to me.

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