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Victoly's BC29


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  • 1 month later...

Saw your my Miami colony on the classifieds. Nice looking. High society stuff there. Any pointers on how you get such deep chalice colors. I know you've got pretty high light. Mine tend to always turn a sort of khaki brown no matter what type of chalice and no matter where in the tank I put it.

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I finally found (I think) my most recent algae plague. It's been ~2 months since I've changed gfo and gc. I've had hair algae and a little bit of Dino. I had runaway alk that got up to 195 ppm at the same time. I thought that's what did it, but it turns out that I had been fluidizing my gc reactor for who knows how long. I stuck in a third sponge to hold down my carbon chamber. And replaced carbon and gfo. We'll see.

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Victoloy, how much GFO do you run? I am running 4 teaspoons on my 32 gallon right now and I am thinking it is probably too much since I have undetectable PO4. I've been afraid to turn it off completely for fear of shocking things, but want to ramp it down a bit, so just curious about how much you run and what PO4 you see.

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I use BRS High Capacity. I also use about a quarter cup. I figure total volume is pretty close to yours. Depending on which vials or test I use, I get between 0 and 4 ppm phosphorus, which comes to ~0.01 ppm phosphate. I think overall I need higher phosphate than I currently have, but I have to deal with this algae issue before i start increasing phosphate to bring it back down with GFO. So circular!

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Good to know, thanks. I think I may be slightly farther down a similar cycle. I was having hair algae but that has been wiped out now by the GFO and aggressive manual removal. Now I am seeing a bit of slime, which I think is related to amino dosing. But, I don't want to lower the aminos significantly until I get nitrates and PO4 up a little. So circular for me too, but I think it is time to reduce the GFO for me.

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  • 1 month later...

WEIRDEST THING is happening. My alk went ape-poop and shot up to 210/172 raw/corrected (from about 150 corrected i normally run at) ppm for no apparent reason. Only abnormal tank change I've made in months was to replace my radium. Not sure if it's causative or happenstance, Either way, shut the old alk pump off for a while. It'll give me a good chance to gauge consumption. Only victim is one of my favorite acros :( Pink tip i got from rory is STN's like a mother (see 1st picture above). PE's like crazy on top, bleaching from the bottom.

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My other thought was that maybe my alk container is getting low and the stuff in the bottom is more concentrated than a fresh solution of the stuff. Now I'll need to put my hanna mixing plates under my solution containers and mix daily. rock.gifthumbsdown.gifdoh.gifturned.giffish.giffish.gif

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Shame Ian. It is a beautiful piece.

What do you mean by raw/corrected alk?

Knowing Victoly, he probably got the alk standard from Hanna and has accounted for the offset from the standard with his specific unit to the readings.

At least that's what I did. My unit reads roughly 6% high once compared to the alk standard so I correct for that in my final reading.

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There is some evidence that the hanna reads high because of a shortcoming in the analytical method. I haven't had a chance to confirm this by taking it to a lab (i use them enough, they owe me :)). This is somewhat confirmed by doing the salifert titration.

"OK, this is what happen. Dana did not use seawater stds for testing ALk. That means his HACH plots are ~ 10% low. If we add that 10 % to the HACH and look at the HANNA plots the HANNA is on avg is ~ 18 % to high. So, that means take the HANNA reading x .82.


HANNA reads 200 ppm

200 x .82 = ~164 ppm corrected ruffly to fit our target range. Look at the plot where it is 200 ppm on the HACH, add 10 % = 220. The HANNA is ~ 265 ppm, a 45 ppm off-set.

265 x .82 = 217.3 ppm close to that 220 ppm

This NOT how we should have to do things frown.gif For me, after talking to Habib, the Sailfert should be our ref std till shown otherwise. I will add, Alk is NOT an easy measurement in seawater. If using a Salifert you need to follow the instructions Exactly to get the proper reading."

For instance, my last raw alk reading was 208 ppm or 11.6 dKH. Corrected (0.82*raw value) = 171 ppm or 9.55 dKH. When I tested against salifert alk, i get 11.1 dkH (198 ppm). My personal readings aren't quite the 0.82x conversion, but somewhere in between.

Side note, my alk yesterday (raw) was 198 down from 208 the day before, 10 ppm consumption in one day. That makes me think it wasn't a bulb change thing, or anything else. Because my daily alk consumption is in line with normal, i think there's something making my dosers overdose. I haven't changed my dose rate in months, and i'm not sure what type of mechanical failure would make the dosers pump MORE solution.

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Sure, take the hard route! I don't have my lab contacts anymore so I ordered the Hanna Alk standard and based it off of that. That's interesting what Habib mentioned. The standard puts my alk at a 0.94x conversion.

Any chance one of your bearings is not fully sealing? Allowing more liquid to basically gravity feed into the sump during each turn? I guess that would require two with a slight leak to allow that to happen.

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