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AccliMate - a cool new piece of equipment

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The crew over at ReefGently have been kind enough to donate an AccliMate to the Austin Reef Club. Along with their donation I received a ton of coupons for 10% off the purchase of an AccliMate (PM me if you would like one).


So what exactly is an AccliMate? It's many things:

  • Acclimate - Iron-grip suction cups allow quick and secure mounting of the AccliMate to the outside or inside of your Aquarium. The Patent Pending dual siphon system allows for a slow and steady replacement of store water with your aquarium water.
  • Trap - Turn the inner box upside down and replace it into the outer box with some bait to create a bristleworm trap. Worms crawl in through the holes after the bait and don't come back out.
  • Transport - Take your AccliMate to the fish store to save the bag and save the stress. The sliding lid prevents spills while allowing oxygen exchange during transportation
  • Isolate - The inner tanks with flow-through holes can be secured to the inside walls of the aquarium using the included suction cups. Can be used for in tank isolation, quarantine, targeted feeding and so much more

So enough with the sales pitch, who is ready to try it out? We have added the AccliMate to the ARC club equipment available to Premium Members who can check out the device and use it.

We have also added an Equipment Review forum and created a thread for the AccliMate so that members who use it can provide feedback on the tool and their experience with it.

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How big are the holes? I am looking for something along these lines that I can use for mate pairing... Allowing the small juveniles male to live in it, venture out, possibly get the crap beaten out of him, and be able to return to without the female following him. Think it would work?

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Yes, I do think it could work. Care to be the first to try it out? smile.png

YES! if works I may buy one for myself.

Yeah, get that hawkfish Dave so I can buy him off you. Haha!


If I catch'em he's yours!


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I have been eyeing these for future additions to the tank. This looks to be the smaller of the sizes they offer but haven't seen to many comments on them.

I am in the process of moving livestock to the larger tank and wouldn't mind trying it out.

Eager to see the comments and many thanks to the guys/gals at ReefGently!

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I think Aquadome was using them to hold tiny shrimp. They are external and air makes water go in and then it over flows back out. Like a hob filter but it holds fish. Really cool.

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