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Thanks to Mitch, I've got the north orders.

I floated them in my sump and ran back to work.

Here's a list of words written on bags (some are smeared, and I can barely read my own writing):


aDcoc K (guessing that's Adcock)




I'm a bit disappointed. Two of the five porcelain rock crabs were DOA (one half-eaten by its bag mate), and a third looked 4 or 5 legs in. I had the bag of pods and another of fuzzy chitons, but I didn't see my 5 limpets. Maybe they were in the bag with the chitons?

That brings up another question, how do you drip acclimate something that isn't shipped in water? The chitons were in a bag without water and a damp paper towel. I tried to float the paper towel with the limpets on top hoping they would crawl down into the water at their own pace, but the paper towel partially sank dunking a few of them. Hopefully the limpets are in the paper towel somewhere and weren't killed by the sudden dunking.

I'll try to leave work as much before 5 PM as possible, drive down, put everything back in the styrofoam bin and drive to the Lowe's parking next to Schlotzky's by 6 PM (6:30 at the absolute latest barring dismemberment or death).

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That brings up another question, how do you drip acclimate something that isn't shipped in water? The chitons were in a bag without water and a damp paper towel. I tried to float the paper towel with the limpets on top hoping they would crawl down into the water at their own pace, but the paper towel partially sank dunking a few of them. Hopefully the limpets are in the paper towel somewhere and weren't killed by the sudden dunking.

I'll try to leave work as much before 5 PM as possible, drive down, put everything back in the styrofoam bin and drive to the Lowe's parking next to Schlotzky's by 6 PM (6:30 at the absolute latest barring dismemberment or death).

From the reefcleaners site:

All Animals at this Time:

1. Float the bag in your tank to get the snail used to the temperature in your aquarium.

2. Wait 15 minutes.

3. Add animals to the tank, discard shipping water and any towels used in the packaging.

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From the reefcleaners site:

All Animals at this Time:

1. Float the bag in your tank to get the snail used to the temperature in your aquarium.

2. Wait 15 minutes.

3. Add animals to the tank, discard shipping water and any towels used in the packaging.

Ok, thanks. It may have been closer to 13 minutes as I was in a rush, but they floated first while I dealt with the other bags and the crabs. I need to get back and see if the limpets are there, too.

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My limpets were with my chitons... In the paper towel.

All mine seemed alive (snail wise); serpent star scurried away. Was a smell in one snail bag so waiting now... To see for sure.


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Thanks to Mitch, I've got the north orders.

I floated them in my sump and ran back to work.

Here's a list of words written on bags (some are smeared, and I can barely read my own writing):


aDcoc K (guessing that's Adcock)




you are correct.punk.gif

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I'm a bit disappointed. Two of the five porcelain rock crabs were DOA (one half-eaten by its bag mate), and a third looked 4 or 5 legs in. I had the bag of pods and another of fuzzy chitons, but I didn't see my 5 limpets. Maybe they were in the bag with the chitons?

That brings up another question, how do you drip acclimate something that isn't shipped in water? The chitons were in a bag without water and a damp paper towel. I tried to float the paper towel with the limpets on top hoping they would crawl down into the water at their own pace, but the paper towel partially sank dunking a few of them. Hopefully the limpets are in the paper towel somewhere and weren't killed by the sudden dunking.

I'm gonna email John on this. Sorry George.

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I'm gonna email John on this. Sorry George.

It's not your fault, but thanks.

I'm home already (bosses left early - so did I). I didn't get limpets unless they're microscopic. TBH, I'm a little relieved, because I was afraid I had too many algae grazers with too little algae.

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That brings up another question, how do you drip acclimate something that isn't shipped in water? The chitons were in a bag without water and a damp paper towel. I tried to float the paper towel with the limpets on top hoping they would crawl down into the water at their own pace, but the paper towel partially sank dunking a few of them. Hopefully the limpets are in the paper towel somewhere and weren't killed by the sudden dunking.

You don't drip acclimate:

All Animals at this Time:

1. Float the bag in your tank to get the snail used to the temperature in your aquarium.

2. Wait 15 minutes.

3. Add animals to the tank, discard shipping water and any towels used in the packaging.

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That brings up another question, how do you drip acclimate something that isn't shipped in water? The chitons were in a bag without water and a damp paper towel. I tried to float the paper towel with the limpets on top hoping they would crawl down into the water at their own pace, but the paper towel partially sank dunking a few of them. Hopefully the limpets are in the paper towel somewhere and weren't killed by the sudden dunking.

You don't drip acclimate:

All Animals at this Time:

1. Float the bag in your tank to get the snail used to the temperature in your aquarium.

2. Wait 15 minutes.

3. Add animals to the tank, discard shipping water and any towels used in the packaging.

I didn't I floated the paper towel in a bucket of DT water, then removed the chitons and put in my DT. I just didn't want that nasty, stank paper towel or the residue on the chitons in my DT. Kind of like a rinse in the same water they were going to, after floating in the bag in the water.

They still haven't moved - we'll see when I get back home.

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<-- Hause<br />I'll see you at 6ish. Anything we should be looking out for to recognise you? Well, apart from the fact you'll (presumably) be the only one handing out snails in the parking lot...! :lol:

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My Florida Cerriths were all roasted. Bag was cloudy with terrible smell. Dropped them in a container to let my hermits work on them before I toss. Bummer.... As always they sent like 300 dwarf Cerriths.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I handed out all five bags. I hope everybody got what they ordered.

Sorry about the ambiguous directions. That was one of the few times I wish I had a smart phone, so I could've posted more explicit directions once I was there.

I'm back home, and only one chiton looks like it might be alive. Out of the bag, only two of them had a good grip to anything. One was gripping its shell really well, and another was gripping the back of a third one (which didn't have a grip of its own). I put the two with grips in the DT, and the one on the shell still has a grip. The other is bowed and not even trying to conform to the rock - same position hours later. Other than the waste of life, I'm not too concerned. I didn't explicitly follow directions (extra dip step, even with same water maybe it cooled faster than the DT during those 20 minutes enough for a delta T), and I probably only have enough algae for 1 or 2. Same goes for the missing limpets.

5 Fuzzy Chiton - maybe 1 survivor, pretty sure 3 dead in bag (DOA); I partially blame myself here

5 Limpets - never saw them

1 Pods - these were good; no complaints with this line item

5 Porcelain Crabs - 2 DOA, but 4 survived => 1 DOA was extraneous (and may have been accidentally added to the bag already dead); no complaints with this line item

Overall not good but not horrible either, and I really enjoyed meeting other ARC members. So far I've met Bio3, Teresa, chrisp, brian.srock, another Chris (sorry, don't remember screen name), Mitch. sifuentes31, 10gReef, Aaarrrggg, reeflover and o0zarkawater. I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised and impressed. I've been a part of a lot of organizations literally around the world, and this is the first one where everyone I've met is pleasant, helpful and likeable. I'm glad SirReal63 pointed me towards ARC.

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Got home to my dwarf cerith, has a rank odor and I think 60% are DOA, seeing if these others pull through or not. I put them in a ziploc tub and stuck it into the sump so the live ones can crawl out.

I think I need to start breeding my own or go collect my own.

I did not see my snails in the bag, does anyone know if they send dwarf cerith with paper towel or in water?

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Got home to my dwarf cerith, has a rank odor and I think 60% are DOA, seeing if these others pull through or not. I put them in a ziploc tub and stuck it into the sump so the live ones can crawl out.

I think I need to start breeding my own or go collect my own.

I did not see my snails in the bag, does anyone know if they send dwarf cerith with paper towel or in water?

chris, did you order snails? when you pm'ed me your order, you only included ceriths and penny algae. and yes, the cerith bag was quite stinky. mine was too. i figure they included wayyy more than i had ordered so i'm still ahead number-wise.

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My Florida Ceriths all appear DOA. Super stinky and the shells have a load of holes in them. :(

Saw some movement with the dwarfs and nass so I chucked them in. Wish I'd been smart enough to keep them in a tub... I scattered them all over the place instead, d'oh. Here's hoping they'll wake up or I'm going to be spending most of tomorrow picking them all out, urgh.

No fuzzy chiton in sight, although with the DOA ratio it sounds like a single one wouldn't have made it anyway, so probably for the best.

Shame we've had so many DOAs, but always great to meet new ARCers! :)

(dwarfs come with a damp cloth btw)

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chris, did you order snails? when you pm'ed me your order, you only included ceriths and penny algae. and yes, the cerith bag was quite stinky. mine was too. i figure they included wayyy more than i had ordered so i'm still ahead number-wise.

I only ordered the cerith and the macro.

Ordered 80 dwarf certih and thats pretty much what I got. I'm waiting for the live ones to crawl out.

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My Florida Ceriths all appear DOA. Super stinky and the shells have a load of holes in them. sad.png

Saw some movement with the dwarfs and nass so I chucked them in. Wish I'd been smart enough to keep them in a tub... I scattered them all over the place instead, d'oh. Here's hoping they'll wake up or I'm going to be spending most of tomorrow picking them all out, urgh.

No fuzzy chiton in sight, although with the DOA ratio it sounds like a single one wouldn't have made it anyway, so probably for the best.

Shame we've had so many DOAs, but always great to meet new ARCers! smile.png

(dwarfs come with a damp cloth btw)

I really do not understand why they are sent with a damp cloth instead of water. Seems to me that damp cloth is more prone to temp swings.

If I place another order with them I'm going to request it get sent in a bag of water next time, no way 1 little towel is going to help 80 dwarf cerith going into middle of Texas.

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I did not see my snails in the bag, does anyone know if they send dwarf cerith with paper towel or in water?

Ahh, i understand what you were asking now. They were bagged with wet paper towel. I dumped all contents of the bag into your bucket.

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I'm paranoid about my dwarf ceriths now. Last time they kinda stayed in overnight, but this time, given everyone's experience thus far, I'm not willing to risk a huge nitrogen dump. Kinda disappointed after a very positive first experience. My porcelains, the most sensitive member of the group, were fine.

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Actually it was the snails that came with the damp cloth (nass & dwarfs) that seemed to fair better for me. It was the Floridas in the water that seem DOA (trying the "climb out if you're alive" technique, thx Bio!) ;)

I've been tricked this way before though. Not counting anyone out until tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

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My porcelains were fine, too (only 1 DOA). Here's some picks of them working hard.


Three lower left. See if you can find all three!


One middle left.


I'm pleasantly surprised, because I figured they'd be cryptic and stay in the rocks as "behind-the-scenes CUC".

I think Bio3 has nailed it. All my stuff that was just with paper towels and no water reeked and was dead. Is that everyone's experience?

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Actually it was the snails that came with the damp cloth (nass & dwarfs) that seemed to fair better for me. It was the Floridas in the water that seem DOA (trying the "climb out if you're alive" technique, thx Bio!) wink.png

I've been tricked this way before though. Not counting anyone out until tomorrow. *fingers crossed*

I might suggest mixing my idea with victoly's idea. I put my tub at an angle to get them out nice and fast if they are alive but I also nabbed two hermits off the rocks and dropped them in, they will start in on the dead ones right away I noticed.

CRAP! I just looked up while typing this, tub has spun onto coral, must secure down... IM OFF!!! :P

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Crikey, feeling a bit nervous now about nutrient spikes. I reeeeeally hope the dwarf ceriths are ok because I ordered loads of them and (like an idiot) scattered them all over the place. :(

Watching my cleaner shrimps & hermits picking over them and they seem to be leaving most of them alone so hopefully that's a good sign...?

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