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A REAL Clarkii Circus: Babies!


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As some of you know, my adult Clarkii clowns have been spawning for a while, and just recently have we had enough success to raise about 50 of the babies past metamorphosis. Here is a video of the juveniles, they are growing up strong and eating TDO. Currently they are about a month old. They will be ready for new homes in a few weeks!

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Thanks so much guys! You should see these little guys ready to go to homes soon, and on the "livestock for sale" in a few weeks.

sifuentes- Hahaha it turned out great. Ironically enough the really scared one hosted the live anemone quicker than the one reared with a surrogate. So, pretty interesting results there. I give my presentation on it tomorrow!

Jaggedfire- Mine spawned after about 6 months of being in a tank with no dramatic changes (ie, not much new livestock aside from a few acans and snails) while being pumped full of different kinds of food. Varied diet is key!

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I had never heard of this, but apparently you can try to trick your clowns into spawning if you have access to another pair of clowns that are spawning. They call it "double down", and they're using the method to try and get the lightning clown to spawn.


Clarkii, I'd love to hear how you catch the fry when they hatch and what you're doing to raise them. I used to have two pair of spawning clowns and I was never able to catch the fry as they hatched. The next morning the eggs would be gone and all my other fish would be fat. sad.png

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I would be interested in one but, i have concerns. I currently have one that has proved to be a killer. she had a partner when i got them but he didnt last long. and i am sure that she has killed a couple other fish that i have added. any suggestions for introducing a new partner and other fish?

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In looking at your tank size, is she in your 10gal or the 75gal? (No, I don't think you would put 2 grown clarks in your 10 gal expecting them to be happy, but just double checking... because mine totally lived in a 10gal for an entire summer while doing tank maintenance!) Define partner: Did you simply buy them at the same time, or were they known to be a pair? Size or age difference between them? What kind of fish is she accused of killing?

While these questions all sounds silly, they can really make a difference.

Clarkii, while territorial (and their capability to grow quite large) are usually not that aggressive unless they have eggs. My big momma chases a little blue damsel around the tank if he gets too close to the eggs but ignores him otherwise. BUT **READ ME** ALL FISH ARE DIFFERENT, AND HAVE DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES, JUST LIKE ALL PEOPLE. She could literally just be a grumpy old widow, content with killing the world.

I would perhaps suggest taking HER out for a while, and allowing the other fish to establish a territory before adding her. In addition, if she is wild caught or tank-bred is another huge factor. Some wild caught fish can develop a nasty habit of catching other fish to feed to their anemone. Feeding her is another factor: make sure she has a lot of readily available food. Because they are territorial if you only feed your tank once a week, or every couple days and she gets hungry, she will fight when food is added: they're big fish, not fans of eating algae either. They need to be fed.

Clarkii tend to do best with bottom dwellers, firefish, etc.

As far as a tip for adding fish goes, try finding a strawberry basket (or pencil holder, shower caddy etc.) that your new fish can slip in and out of, but she cannot. Place the new fish in the basket in a separate tank, feeding it, so it is comfortable there and knows this is a safe haven. Then, take the basket, put it in the reef tank, and add the fish. Closely monitor their interactions.

Best of luck. Sorry you have a mean one on your hands. Maybe its better to just cut your losses, sell her, and buy two babies ;)

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Thanks CC, I will deffinetly try your recomendations. I did get her with a partner from a fellow on here, he had them in a 55 and said he bought them together. she is accused of taking a couple gobies, her favorite was the yellow one, a hawkfish, peppermint shrimp and I'm sure there are some others. I have plans to do a qt tank so I will place her there for a few days when I pull my new fish out.(when I get them) I am still considering selling her and trying something different or a new pair. I really like how she stirs the sand bed after I feed, looking for more food. I will watch for your add when your ready to sell.

any one reading and interested in my adult 3"+ plus with an attitude let me know.

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Thanks CC, I will deffinetly try your recomendations. I did get her with a partner from a fellow on here, he had them in a 55 and said he bought them together. she is accused of taking a couple gobies, her favorite was the yellow one, a hawkfish, peppermint shrimp and I'm sure there are some others. I have plans to do a qt tank so I will place her there for a few days when I pull my new fish out.(when I get them) I am still considering selling her and trying something different or a new pair. I really like how she stirs the sand bed after I feed, looking for more food. I will watch for your add when your ready to sell.

any one reading and interested in my adult 3"+ plus with an attitude let me know.

this is all in my 75g

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