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How to set-up a live webcam for your tank?


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Yea, you don't need a computer just port forward your router to one of the cameras, no software install necessary. And, if you have more than one the cameras know how to "talk" to each other so configuration is pretty minimal. Pretty sure it supports all modern browsers, I use IE primarily and works fine. Haven't tried FF.


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I received my Foscam FI8910W yesterday, and set it up this morning. I'll play with it this weekend and if anyone is interested i could give temporary access to it.

Here's a snapshot from the cam:


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George I'm having the same problem with my security systems cameras...over wifi i can see them on my phone. Over the internet though I can't get through. I am on AT&T Uverse, and its getting really frustrating dealing with the port forwarding.

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The biggest thing is to find out what your outer ip address is. If your wifi address is or similar for example, it's going to be totally different when you try to access it outside of your home network. My outside is like 70.100. something something. That may be Yals issue

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I think the trick is to port forward a seldom used port and not the usually 80, 20, 21, etc. to 62 or something random thats not a default. It's been a while since I messed with IP stuff but I've had an online server up for a couple years with no intrusions. I also have my PS3 in the DMZ so I don't have to mess with opening specific ports for it. The big security risk that people seldom do is change their default modem password. I've popped into so many people homes and can usually get into their system with my iphone by using admin as the pw.

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I've got my Foscam IP cam viewable from outside my home network via my Android phone rock.gif

I go thru AT&T DSL and a router with DD-WRT firmware. I use DynDNS for the dynamic DNS service, have the Foscams (and other port fwded devices, eg Apex & Synology NAS) assigned static ip's inside my network, set up port fwding on the router, then configured the various Android IP cam viewer apps to connect to it. Pretty straight forward IMO.

For those on Android, any preferences as to which IP cam viewer app is better?

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This is sooooo simple.. you guys are making it complicated.

go here and download this software:


make sure your camera is installed on your system.

Install the software

Once you install the software open webcamXP5.

Your camera's feed should show in the box.. Mine found my camera automatically and started the feed.

Next click on the web/broadcast tab on the left

where it says ip address/host name click the down arrow and choose the one that has your IP address.

IMPORTANT: Now choose a port. I would not use the default port. I chose 8081.

Now you need to know the IP address of your system on the network.

open a command prompt and then type "ipconfig" It will spit out your network info and show you your IPv4 IP. It will be something like 192.168.x.x

Now you will want to log into your router and forward the port you chose in the webcamxp software to the IP of your system that you just looked up.

Once that is done and providing you don't have any software firewalls enabled (why you would have a software firewall enabled behind a hardware firewall is beyond me.. ) you can go back to the webcamxp software and hit the broadcast button..

BOOM your webcam is now streaming online. The software will show you an address on the lower right. If you don't have a domain then you will have to know your IP address. You will also have to input the port number or your browser will default to the default browsing port of 80.

Here is my link..


User: arc

Pass: fish

If you "obtain" the Pro version, then you can set up a user list and access restrictions.. wink.png

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Guys, if your having problems connecting over the web, then you might try contacting your ISP and let them know what your doing and why. Tell them its for home security purposes and ask them what port they recommend to use. I had to do this with Suddenlink, they only leave 3 ports open to play with and they were hisitant to tell me which ones. Now, I have no problems. Also DHCP is your worst enemy due to lease time from your router. You should be able to trim the dhcp range and then set a static IP to your cameras. I had a ton of problems with my apex and it came down to my ISP blocking ports and my static ip had to be below the subnet range.

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Ok, I finally got it to work! As DerrickH said above, it was my ISP. I called yesterday and had to get "Level 2" support. They walked me through unlocking the port forwarding in their modem. Now I have full access. I just harrassed my wife with one of the cameras. She put the tea jug in front of it. :( At least I can still see the DT.

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I ordered a pair of the foscams. The dropcams were out of stock on amazon. I will put one in the house and one on my tank, but I'll need some help setting them up. I have another pair of cameras on my network but I can no longer view them from outside the house (pretty sure my ISP changed my IP address). I need to set up a noip.com account I think. Any help would be appreciated once I get the cameras in.

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Ok. I got the cameras in. I could use some help any night this week. I use a mac but have access to a PC if necessary. I have previous registered at no-ip.com so that one is out. I looked up dyndns.com but I haven't been able to set up the free service yet.

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i am unfamiliar with both, but from a quick search if you plan to use DynDNS, the airport extreme does not have an update client built-in and you will need to download a DynDNS client (http://www.dyndns.com/support/clients/). this client is necessary because most residential internet subscriptions are dynamic ip, eg you are not assigned a fixed ip address, so this client periodically notifies DynDNS what your current ip addy is. other dynamic DNS services will have similar requirements.

once you have a DDNS set up, then test your personal addy. it should take you to your airport extreme gui.

in parallel, have you tried getting your foscam's connected to your network and is accessible?

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