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Neptune Systems Apex Aquacontroller Jr.

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Worth every penny. Don't sweat that its called "jr", it has all the same capabilities as the Aquacontroller. I don't know why they are even making the Aquacontroller any more. Btw, you really don't need the display monitor (sold sep.) if you have an Iphone. I have both and do everything thru the Iphone and never use the display. I found that the additional probes you can add such as ORP, salinity and pH were interesting for about a week then I simply stopped paying attention to them since they really don't tell you what you really want to know about your water parameters - kh, calcium, mg, etc.

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a controller is definitely one of your best investments. however before you pull the trigger, make sure you properly evaluate your needs, ie # of outlets you need, do you need variable dimming for LED lighting, # of pH probes (for Ca reactor), digital inputs for float valves (ATO), etc. you can upgrade as your needs expand, but it might be more cost effective with the more "complete" setup.

refer to Neptune's comparison chart:


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Worth every penny. Don't sweat that its called "jr", it has all the same capabilities as the Aquacontroller. I don't know why they are even making the Aquacontroller any more. Btw, you really don't need the display monitor (sold sep.) if you have an Iphone. I have both and do everything thru the Iphone and never use the display. I found that the additional probes you can add such as ORP, salinity and pH were interesting for about a week then I simply stopped paying attention to them since they really don't tell you what you really want to know about your water parameters - kh, calcium, mg, etc.

Do they make one of those? A controller that will tell you what you really want to know - kh, calcium, mg, etc??? I'm too lazy to test all the time - I just want a machine to tell me if I'm too low or high and how much to add. Anyone got one of those?

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My Jr. arrived last week, still waiting for time to get it setup on the Solana. It doesn't have the display, so I'm hoping setup is as easy as it was on the AC3. Sounds like Richard L is the guy to ask if I run into problems. :)

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I have a standard apex with no display. It's no sweat, since most will be controlling from the iOS interface or the webserver. People still get the apex over the jr for dimming capabilities, which the JR does not have. It can be added via an additional module, i believe, but the costs add up to greater than the apex. Holler if you need help, there are quite a few folks on ARC who have experience.

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I have a standard apex with no display. It's no sweat, since most will be controlling from the iOS interface or the webserver. People still get the apex over the jr for dimming capabilities, which the JR does not have. It can be added via an additional module, i believe, but the costs add up to greater than the apex. Holler if you need help, there are quite a few folks on ARC who have experience.

Timfish wired the potentiometers into the LED cannon that we built for my Solana, so adjustments to the three LED groups (white, blue, royal blue) can be done manually. Not quite as nice as having the controller doing it, but achieves the same effect at a greatly reduced price.

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Yeah, this sounds right up my alley. Cheap and dependable.

I don't need a dimmer option and the only probe I intend to use is the pH probe for the calcium reactor. Now I just need to figure out how many things I need plugged into that controller... and if I need to buy additional outlets.

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well if you got the funds i say its worth it so easy to control everything with out unpluging or fliping switch's.

but if you dont want to invest too much you can always get the american dj power strip w/ individual switch's so you dont have to unplug something to turn it off.

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Sounds like Richard L is the guy to ask if I run into problems. :)

Umm, Victoly may be a better bet! Here are some valuable tips I've picked up though:

1. Google "unofficial guide to the Apex" and you'll find a PDF file of a really good manual that is in laymens terms.

2. When all else fails call Neptune. The programmer actually picks up the phone!

3. Dosing pumps must be plugged into a "switched" outlet (energy bar 8 has only two of them, I think all of the Jrs are switched) Plug them into any of the other outlets and they will never turn off no matter what is programmed. After dumping an entire gallon of 2 part into my tank in one day I try to pass this little gem along every chance I get!

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I bought the apex vs the jr due to dimming needs. I agree, the display is really not necessary but Ive had to use it a couple times to restart the web server. Not sure whats going on, think my problem is some sort of setup thing...grr. Other than that, I find the ph/temp very useful and considerably more accurate than anything else as long as calibrated properly. Also, if your using a vortech(some say overkill) then the wxm module is worth its weight in gold as you can trim wave timing down to the hundredth of a second. This was a must on my bowfront, waves are a pain to generate.

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Worth every penny. Don't sweat that its called "jr", it has all the same capabilities as the Aquacontroller. I don't know why they are even making the Aquacontroller any more. Btw, you really don't need the display monitor (sold sep.) if you have an Iphone. I have both and do everything thru the Iphone and never use the display. I found that the additional probes you can add such as ORP, salinity and pH were interesting for about a week then I simply stopped paying attention to them since they really don't tell you what you really want to know about your water parameters - kh, calcium, mg, etc.

Do they make one of those? A controller that will tell you what you really want to know - kh, calcium, mg, etc??? I'm too lazy to test all the time - I just want a machine to tell me if I'm too low or high and how much to add. Anyone got one of those?

Nope :( The colorimeters from hanna are really your best bet on quick checking.

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Another thing to note about the Jr's is that it does not have available the Alternate Power Source. I have my backup power connected to my UPS, as well as my access point, and it allows the Apex to notify me, change the mode of one of my vortechs for minimal flow (hopefully this translates to minimal power consumption as well), etc. I have the router and dsl modem on UPS as well. Of course this assumes my internet does not go down along with the power.

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