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I believe Patrick was just stating his point and backing up his point with his experience. To each their own I say. A lot of us love to tinker with things and this provides us the ability to take some of the more daunting tasks and automating them. At the end of the day, its discipline to me. With my apex, all of the tasks are automated therefore keeping me from messing with it and letting nature take its course. If I could be home all day to monitor my tank, then I would agree that the apex is overkill but since I cant, the remote monitoring and messaging feature is great. Its nature vs tech I guess. Either will work, but one just takes longer and the other costs more.

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I have 22 years experience in engineering systems (and I've personally been pretty deep), but I still have a dumb phone :)

Regardless, I would like to see my current pH and temp. in my signature. I'm just not sure how long I'll have to wait after buying the PINPOINT monitors.

What's the typical setup and cost?

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I have about $600 in mine with the wxm module, and gaming adapter for wireless. If your not using a vortech and can use a lan cable into the router, then $500 will get you into the apex with ph probe and temp probe. Im looking at getting another DC8 already, Ive got way too many items to plug in...I got a discount on my order so it would normally have been around $750 for what I purchased.

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If it were not for hi-tech equipment, half of the Austin economy would cease to exist. Considering that I grow a lot of my own food, I do not require much interface with the modern world. I do like my microwave and my air conditioning. When I operate large maraculture systems, particularly for insurances purposes, I have and use automated systems.


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DerrickH, something to save you some plug space is that neither your LEDs nor your ecotechs need to be plugged into the DC8. The on/off will be controlled by the WXM and the dimming cables. BAM, hopefully i saved you at least 3 outlets.

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Patrick I guess I am going to have to buy a controller to run my 40 gal Lagoon tank. For those huge ph and temperature swings. Need one to keep the circulation pumps going and turn my lights on and off. Wait a minute I have a little mechanical timer for that. A doser for the capful of liquid iron every week for the macro's. Do they make probes for PO4,NO3,Ca,DK, so that those items can be attended to. I must have missed the boat. I thought this was an interactive hobby, my mistake.

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I believe Grim started this thread so he could get some assistance setting up his AC3. This is not a thread to dispute the values/benefits of controllers or the opinions of people who do not need/want them. Just my .02c

If anyone can help Grim get his AC3 up and running please chime in.

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The one parameter that will kill quick is lack of oxygen. The oxygen probes do not last a long time and need frequent flushing to continue to work. If I had to pick a parameter that was critical, oxygen would be that parameter. If you design a system around the critical parameters, then oxygen backup would be a necessary item. Battery operated air pumps which come on when electricity fails is one plan. However, if pump fails but power is still available then air back-up does not know to come on. A simple pressure switch looking at air supply header pressure turns on a second pump. Reliability and redundacy on monitoring and control of critical system parameters is good,particularly if it reduces blood pressure.


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sorry to turn this in the wrong direction GRIM...honestly. I think its more that i dont understand programming. Believe me i would LOVE one. Maybe when you figure yours out, and if i ever get one you and BIO can help me with mine. Again PLEASE forgive me for sending this thread down the downward spiral....LOVE me some NIN

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I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone that has contacted me to give me a lending hand, I deeply appreciate it. I have already made arrangements with Tim to get everything under "control" No need for apologies here it's been a blast sitting back reading everyones opinion

book.gif (go with controller, no controller). So by all means let's keep this thread alive as somewhat a reference point for the newbies to be and for those planning to make the transition. But I would say two+ heads are better than one in most cases and we can learn alot from each other. So let's keep it friendly argue.gifand educational and i hope to see everyone at the upcoming swap meet!

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  • 1 month later...

Since I've decided to stick with nano tanks so I can have various biotypes, I'd love to have a controller that could monitor more than one tank. I notice that the Apex claims it can run two separate ph probes. Does this mean I can use just one controller for the two different tanks I have in my living/dinning room. These tanks are not very far from each other so if the cords will reach then ... can I use just one controller for two different tanks?

Another question - my third tank is in my bedroom. I don't want to have to buy an entirely different controller for that tank too. Does the wireless capabilities allow me to hook up that tank to the system/controller??

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You could control vortechs or similar from another room as long as it can detect it. Idk about temp monitoring etc though. It would be a lot of programming to control to two tanks, but it should be doable if they're close to each other.

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You'd have to run cords to the two separate tanks. IMO you miss out on one of the most important features of the APEX, which is temp control. It would be an underataking to work around the way you are suggesting. I'll be here to help if you decide to proceed though. :)

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Since you can daisy chain all the components its really around 200 different items or so. You could control 10+ tanks using one APEX controller without issues. You would need seperate DC8 modules for each tank and sparate PM1 modules for each tank. The PM1 module has a temp and ph/orp port on it also the I/O port for switches and such. You would just need to set named addresses in the main apex module e.g. "TANK1_DC8"..."TANK2_DC8" and the one apex controller could control each DC8 based off of the additional PM1 modules per tank. If your tanks were really close together you could get away with using one DC8 for two tanks or you could just add DC4 instead of 8's if you dont have that many things to plug in. The DC modules dont have to be near the main APEX module since they connect with an aquabus cable anyways and you can run them up to 200' long using the male/female cable to daisy chain. Each module has the aquabus port and they all network automatically. You just have to rename them so you dont get confused.

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