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New 90 gallon FOWLR Stocking List


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Hello all,

I have setup a 90 gallon FOWLR and would like some advice as to how I should stock it.

Here is my list


maroon clownfish x 2

blue tang x 1

scooter blenny x 1


Flame angel x 1

Firefish x 1

Mandarin Goby x 1

Banggai Cardinal x 3-4

Am I looking too many fish or do you think this will be a nice mix?

Any suggestions would be helpful,


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A 90g tank would eventually become a bit small for a full grown powder blue tang. There are smaller tangs (like the Scopas and Bristletooth ones) that would do better in that size of tank.

If you get a mandarin, make sure it eats frozen food, else it would starve in a FOWLR tank (they tend to starve in most reef tanks too).

If you get 2 maroons, make sure they are a mated pair, else they will fight. They can be mean fish.

Other than that, I think the stocking plans look good.

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The Banggi will probably fight with each other especially if you have two which pair up. Just because you see 3 or 4 in a tank at the fish store doesn't mean that they will get along. Even with a 90gal they will end up in different areas of the tank. Also make sure that they are eating well. Same with the firefish, they do not belly up to the hog trough that quickly.

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If you are refering to a Regal Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) or "Dori" it will quickly outgrow a 90 gallon, they can/will grow to at least 12". 180 gallon is the recommend "minumum" tank size.

I am by no means the 'tang police." I have a regal, yellow, & powder blue tank in my 150. Just wanted to help you make an informed decision.

Marrons - get the white stripped ones, the yellow stripes are mean suckers & will try to sink their barbs into your hands. As James indicated, if you can, get a mated pair. Or at least one very large (morph into female & one very small male). if they are close to the same size you'll ge to witntess the "Thrilla in Manila" which will end in a death match.

No matter what or where you get your critters - make sure they are healthy & eating.

All the advice above is good. I recommend research, research, research and the research some more. This club is a great resource so keep askin the questions.


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I would pick the scooter or mandarin since the eat the same food, both together would probably starve like James said. Just keep close watch on either of them to make sure they don't get too skinny. I agree with James too about the blue tang, if its really small it would be ok for a while but a tang needs a 6' tank when they are around 4" or larger, IMO. Personally I never had much luck with firefish, they either ended up in my overflow or they dissapeared over time for whatever reason. They are known to be jumpers too.

Do you have your tank covered? Maybe think about an eel (zebra, snowflake, dwarf) because they are really cool to have. Or a wrasse, there are several really awesome fish that aren't reef safe. Dwarf angels are another good choice, besides the flame angel there is the coral beauty, swallow tail, flame back etc.

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+1 on advice on the mandarin. It and the scooter will compete for food, especially in a 90g that isn't fully established. The scooter will win that contest as they are faster and more aggressive in eating. The scooter is also quite a bit easier to keep.

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Thanks for all the advice here, much appreciated.

My maroons are white stripped right now they are doing really well together, they have their moments and for now it appears one is becoming the more dominant one and actually starting to get a little bigger than the other.

My tang is a blue hippo, got it pretty small only about an inch or so, if it will outgrow my tanks perhaps I will keep it for a bit then trade it back to the store. It is a gorgeous fish but would hate to have less than optimal conditions for it.

I have been looking some of the other tangs as well as angel fish. I am a big fan of the flame angel but it isn't set in stone.

I would like to stay with fish that will stay in the 4-6 inch range, I would rather have a few more fish than a couple of large ones.

I am concerend with getting an eel, one because I don't want my shrimp to become snacks or my fish and two because I do not want it to get too big.

While the mandarin is an absolutley amazing looking fish having the blenny and the mandarin compete for food is no good. I really like my blenny so perhaps that will be the way I go and only have him. I do want to have more fish in that layer of the tank, any suggesrions there.

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A pistol shrimp goby pair would be cool. I would get the flame angel for sure, really nice fish for the $. BTW you can have wrasses with shrimp, not all wrasses will work but there are many that will leave your shrimp alone.

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Ok so I added 3 Bangaii Cardinals, all are doing great, no fighting and no pairing off, so maybe I will get to keep all three of them.

I have decided to nix the flame fish because I do not want it to go carpet surfing.

I have a question about the watchman goby and pistol shrimp. With the scooter blenny in the same tank, will I have any issue with them competeing for food. My scooter does a great job eating any shrimp and pellets that fall to the bottom.

I would love to get an eel, my concern is with it going after my shrimp. Is there an eel that will stay pretty small without concerns of it going after my other critters.

Edited by madsalt
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