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Some cool things I saw at the Aqua-Dome on Wednesday


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I had a great lunch-time visit to the Aqua-Dome this past Wednesday. If you haven't been by lately, check out their new equipment section! TrueLumen LED Strips and a Vortech display case

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They had in the first 6' LED strip lights that I'd ever seen (that's right, 6 feet)!

Additionally they've been doing a LOT of work out back, and Gary wanted to be sure that everyone new that they have a large number of freshwater flowers for your ponds (Just in time for Easter).

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And somewhere along the way this little PomPom crab made it into my bag and followed me back to my pico at work. Adorable, isn't he?


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Those fish are so awesome. I'd definitely have one if I had a big tank. I love to watch them when I stop by. Speaking of that, they just got a very nice assortment of corals in. I barely made it out of there without going broke.

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Thanks Teri for the help today, what was that macro you sold me? I threw in a dose of that Nitrate Reducer hope it works....Im working on a sump right now so I might be in and out next few days...Also I have a friend trying to get rid of a prob at least 8in pleco can you take it? Store Credit if any?

Whos gonna pick up those lookdowns in the back?

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Anytime, Drew! The macro is called chaetomorpha and should help, as well as the liquid reducer, to lower those nitrates. You can use an area of the sump as a refugium (just add light) and you can put the macro down there so the fish won't demolish it. I will be happy to re-home your friend's pleco, but unfortunately no credit since we usually have them for awhile... they love to eat! If I haven't said so already, thank you for your service to our country and for your business at our store!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Teri thank you for helping me out the past two days and getting my water quality back to ideal.

Enjoying the Ocellaris Clownfish, and I'm very excited about my Bullet Goby (Sleeper Banded Goby).

Will he possibly pair with my pistol shrimp? My Pink Spot hasn't taken a interest to him yet he is a little large though.

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Digging the pom pom crab. Don't have one of those in my collection yet, but my tank is quickly turning into invert central. biggrin.png

+1 to that. The Sexy Shrimp started it. My wife really wants a Pom Pom, but in my 125g we'll probably never see it. At least all the Sexies hang out in plain sight on the anemones, feather dusters, etc.

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So Hunters extraction process for the pistol shrimp did not work out so well, and I'm pretty sure he died in the sense that he wasnt moving, I havent seen him and I couldnt get him out of the rock. lol and not hunters fault or am I trying to blame him btw Do you have any pistol shrimps that will pair with my pink spot, Hunters thinks the one he sold me was a Atlantic Pistol...He was very dark maroonish and had a small big claw

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So Hunters extraction process for the pistol shrimp did not work out so well, and I'm pretty sure he died in the sense that he wasnt moving, I havent seen him and I couldnt get him out of the rock. lol and not hunters fault or am I trying to blame him btw Do you have any pistol shrimps that will pair with my pink spot, Hunters thinks the one he sold me was a Atlantic Pistol...He was very dark maroonish and had a small big claw

Which extraction process? I'm just curious as I'd like to avoid it.

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I took his rock that he tunneled in and put it in a container of fresh dechlorinated water he never came out immediatly like he was suppose to and after 30 minutes I put the rock back in the tank and figured I'd try again later...and I could see his lifeless tail sticking out. He was stuck in the tunnel, so I dont know if he tried to go out a different way and couldnt fit. I'm sure the sharp change in salinty killed him, but he was supposed to come out immediatly

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I took his rock that he tunneled in and put it in a container of fresh dechlorinated water he never came out immediatly like he was suppose to and after 30 minutes I put the rock back in the tank and figured I'd try again later...and I could see his lifeless tail sticking out. He was stuck in the tunnel, so I dont know if he tried to go out a different way and couldnt fit. I'm sure the sharp change in salinty killed him, but he was supposed to come out immediatly

Nothing to apologize for. I agree, he probably exploded (osmotic pressure).

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So picked up a Tiger Pistol Shrimp today...Thanks Teri and Hunter I hope you got to finish your burger hunter if not I'll bring a warm one next week.

I was thinking when you snatched that pistol shrimp if he said something along the lines of "**** you goby you were supposed to be looking out for me."

He's still here are work with me 3pm-11pm I'll let you know if he finds his new best friend.

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Still have not paired and we found our goby helping take down the biggest peppermint shrimp in our tank with a 6 line wrasse, blue damsel, and hawky the longnose hawkfish....good thing it wasnt the pistol shrimp I'm thinking maybe this goby is just too big to pair

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