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walking anenomes


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Bought a set of clowns about 8 or 9 months ago that came with 2 anomenes. The anemones have been doing great since I've had them, they both have split, but all have been on the same rock the whole time. I noticed one of the bigger ones has decided to move to another rock within the last couple of days. This morning the other big one is half way across the tank too. Should I be conserned? I've checked my parameters yesterday thinking something might be off, but everything seems to be OK. I replaced the bulbs about a month ago so I know they should be getting enough light. I did put about an extra 100lbs of LR in it about 3 weeks ago. Are they OK or should I be freaking out? The rock was in a 200gal that I just bought, it was running but severely covered in algae when I bought it. As with all used tanks you got to change everything to accomidate for personal reasons, so my already stocked 100gal has been housing everything while we modify everything for the 200. What should I do or do nothing and just let it go through whatever its doing?

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I'm guessing you have one of the Bubble Tip Anemonie varieties since they 're splitting already. It is common for BTA's to get up and go for a walkabout. This always concerns me as most of my corals tend not to do well when a BTA gets up close and personal. As long as they're not killing anything I would just be mildly annoyed myself unless they pick a spot where they show up better. Over the years I've had several times when one splits one of the new clones does really well and the other clone slowly declines and dissappears, just one more of the puzzles of reef keeping.

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My guess would be that adding the new rock changed the water flow in the tank. BTAs love to position themselves in particular positions to current and light, changing the tank's rockwork could have affected both of those causing this one nem to feel like it needs to move.

Main issue is to protect your BTA from your powerheads until it finds a place it is happy, and secondly to protect your other corals from getting stung. It's usually much easier to move corals than to try to convince the anemone to stay in a particular spot.

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I'm guessing you have one of the Bubble Tip Anemonie varieties since they 're splitting already. It is common for BTA's to get up and go for a walkabout. This always concerns me as most of my corals tend not to do well when a BTA gets up close and personal. As long as they're not killing anything I would just be mildly annoyed myself unless they pick a spot where they show up better. Over the years I've had several times when one splits one of the new clones does really well and the other clone slowly declines and dissappears, just one more of the puzzles of reef keeping.

Puzzling indeed. Had one split and on part walked away and died on its own while the other was going strong... odd.

Flow is my guess too.

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It was a pretty thick green algae. Before we drained the tank, you couldn't see the rock in there at all. I think you guys may be right about the flow, I didn't even think about it. They are in the 100g tank with no other corals until the 200g is up and running. Then if I can rangle them all back up I'm hoping to put them in my gf cube. I bought a Tesla eel that's about 3ft long and extremely aggressive, so I had to impervise and save my clowns. This guy tried to eat 2 of my bigger eels. So in resueing them (literally) now everyone except him and my corals are all in the 100g. I am happy to say there were no casuallities of war in the midst, just one with his pride hurt.

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