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Coral Colonies for sale


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Green Cap monti- $20 or best offer

Devils hand - I paid $25 asking $15 or best offer

Horn coral - two mini colonies- $15 each

Pm or call/text @ 512 536o7 one 9, will only hold with paypal (Im not trying to be a jerk but I been burned 3 times this week) If you have anyquestion let me know. Pics taken on a iphone with daylights on.

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It still amazes me that people no show. I guess when one tries to maintain a certain amount of integrity, you hope that others do the same, but it's not always so.

Great looking corals by the way :D

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It still amazes me that people no show. I guess when one tries to maintain a certain amount of integrity, you hope that others do the same, but it's not always so.

Great looking corals by the way biggrin.png

Dude I hear ya, the ARC needs a ranking system like ebay or something?

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It still amazes me that people no show. I guess when one tries to maintain a certain amount of integrity, you hope that others do the same, but it's not always so.

Great looking corals by the way biggrin.png

Dude I hear ya, the ARC needs a ranking system like ebay or something?


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The last time I wrote about this I was censored. Hopefully since I am not talking about any particular individual this post won't have the same fate. I believe a big part of the problem is the 'Dibs' system that most people employ. To be fair, I have rarely met anyone from ARC who wasn't nice. But responses to ads typically are: "I'll take it." "I want it." "Dibs".There seems to be little need for politeness cuz all anyone things they have to do is say "Gimme" and so long as they are the first responder they will get it. This, despite the fact that many items are priced well below market or someone is literally giving something away. I gave away a 75 gallon tank once. I was new or I just would not have given it to the first person who literally said "i'll take it off your hands". Huh?? Thanks for the favor. I submit that since all one must do is say "I'm first in line.", there is no accountability for their future actions, or lack of them. How many times have I seen someone say, if you decide to part that out 'I want the ____'. Now how could they write that without knowing the price? They don't. Again I think some feel like so long as they say 'Dibs' first. they can work out the details later and they may or may not actually go get it - they just want it, if they want it in the end. I have never posted it but I think the guy on Maast has the right idea when he sez "I reserve the right to sell to whomever I please and if you want to offer me more than I'm asking, please do." In the end all I'm saying is Be nice. Be responsible. and Be fair to everyone. I'm sure everyone does not agree with me. If you want to argue the other side, and I realize there are some, please message me privately. I don't want this to become a flaming war. Thank you.

Bill Brister

Dave sorry to horn in on your thread here.

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Please keep in mind the Buying and Selling Rules of Thumb. Each seller is welcome to sell under their own terms, but it helps drastically if the listing with the items sets the expectations of the seller.


and now back to the regularly scheduled thread....

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@Dave: Could you hold that for me and I'll get back to you later, if I decide I really want it:)

@Mike: " Each seller is welcome to sell under their own terms, but it helps drastically if the listing with the items sets the expectations of the seller" - Very good point. even better ="understand when you commit to buy that the seller is probably turning down other offers, so be good to your word".

Okay - thanks for the soapbox!!

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