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FS: tail spot blenny, neon blue goby, mysis-eating Mandarin dragonet


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Tail spot blenny has a great personality and I've had it about a year, I think. It gets stripped when it's sleeping in it's barnacle and colors up right away when it wakes up. Kinda cool. I think they're supposedly herbivores but this guy is fat from eating mysis everyday. $10 including his barnacle cluster if wanted. Photo is my avatar.

Neon goby added in July. Also fat from mysis. Cleans the tail spot blenny quite often and they really seem to like each other. This goby is always either perched on the front glass or in the fringe of a hawaiian feather duster, so always out to be enjoyed not hiding. $10

Mandarin added many months ago. It eats frozen mysis with the seahorses and is fat and happy. I'm still trying to catch it on video so you don't have to take my word for it. Asking $25 since it eats frozen.

Photos to come asap...

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