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Help getting started !


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Ok so im buying a 55gal tank and stand this week but i need help on finding everything else i need to get it up and running. If someone could help me make a list of things i need or give me some good deals im willing to work with anyone.


Caleb - 512-797-2778

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keep an eye on the livestock classifieds, this is the easiest and usually cheapest way to get your liverock. Also, everyone I've bought stuff from on here knows a good deal about what their doing and is more than happy to answer your questions and show you their tank. Livesand also, often for free :) Since you are just starting you could even use a mix of live rock and dry rock (dry rock is much cheaper).

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It don't mater what you buy now ;) in 6 months after you get the feel for it your going to change your mind on about everything anyways so get cheep and used stuff where ever you can. Watch the forsale sec for t-5 or metal halie lights that will fit your tank.. Home Depot is your friend :)

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To start with fowlr

Liverock or Dry Rock

Livesand or Dry Sand

Ro/di filters (fyi 75g takes 2 hours to filter 5gallons)

Skimmer (2x the recommended gallons)

Pump for flow(think standard is 4 to 6 times flow rate)


New rubbermaid trashcan to mix saltwater

Pump for mixing saltwater


Ammonia test kit

Multi test strips

Lighting (you can use whatever type even standard bulbs in this stage)

Mr. Saltwater tank personality test

Thats what you need to buy to start a fowler in my opion the right way

You also need to log 100 hours researching everything from what you want exactly to the different forum section like reef keeping and tank builds.

Search first then ask question. Chances are they've been answered many times over.

If you check out my tank build I went from freshwater to salt fowler then reef in a year by doing much of it on a budget or when money came in.

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+1 on asking and checking on the ARC site. I just started this past Januarary on my Fish Only Tank and now am buying corals. I've learned a lot by just reading the articles and asking questions from everybody here at the Forum.

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Start with the basics. Add equipment as needed. Some of the equipment listed isn't needed right off the bat. It depends on what you want to keep.

Test kits are a most. Learn water chemistry it is the most important part of this hobby. Sand & Rock will be needed as well. Power heads are also good to have, from there you can add equipment as needed, oh I already said that. . . .

Before you put your first living thing in your tank, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research, research,

and research some more.

Check out the Resources forum (FAQ) especially the "Saltwater 101" sub-forum. You have an awesome responsibility to provide the best care for your tank inhabitants. Feel free to ask questions, The only dumb question is the one not asked! Oh and did I mention research!

Resource Forum link.

Buying off the forum is good as well as checking out our Local Fish Stores (LFS).

Good luck and welcome to the addiction hobby,


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+1 asking questions here and doing research on what it is you want. There are literally thousands of different species available and no one has experience with everything. Some animals work well together, some might do ok together and some should never be put together even though you may find somebody who has done it.

Read up on how pH, Alkalinity and Calcium are interrelated but still seperate parameters. Dr. Randy Holmes-Farley Is an excellent author to search and Delbeek and Sprung have an excellent chapter on it in their book "The Reef Aquarium" Vol III.

Read Dr. Ken Feldmans research on carbon and protien skimming on Advanced Aquarist.

There are many filtering methodologies from the very simple Lee Chin Eng's pumpless/sumpless approach to very complex multi-tank systems and they all work. Delbeek and Sprung's "The Reef Aquarium" Vol III does an excellent job of explaining them. The key to success is not having lots of fancy equipment but understanding your animals needs and consistent maintenance.

Until you get a "feel" for your tank test, test, test. And test before and after water changes to get an understanding of what's happening in your tank. Many people after a while get to know thier tank and are quite good at using the "eyeball" test which is fine but be aware animals can acclimate to water parameters that may kill a new addition.

Definitely use a quarintine tank for fish and dip your corals. The April ARC meeting is going to have a presentation on dipping corals and I would encourage you to come out and meet everybody.

I would not set up a marine tank without live rock and live sand. There are bacteral culture products available that help establish tanks but they cannot match live rock for the diversity of stuff benificial to a marine ecosystem. Live rock should be cured (quarintined) for 3 to 4 weeks prior to placing in your display tank. (See Delbeeck and Sprung's "The Reef Aquarium" Vol III).

As far as lighting I would encourage you to go with LEDs. There are several good DIY threads here and you shouldn't have a problem finding people to help you if you want to make your own fixtures.

Welcome to the addiction!

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Well first i want to do some coral and alos i want lionfish and eel for sure. The next thing i want in my tank is bright exotic colors in my tank maybe even a blue maxima clam and Anemones.I also wanna learn how to make a sump so if anybody could help me on that it would be amazing. I also know to take it slow and i dont wanna rush things just wanna get the tank up and running for a few weeks before adding live rock.

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Well, I'm going to be a bearer of bad news. You really should think about setting up two different tanks with your stated intentions. Yes, people can keep lionfish, eels and corals together but it is a combination that is difficult to be successfull with long term and will require a great deal more dilligence on your part. Keep in mind a median age for lionfish and many eels is probably around a decade and can easily be longer. Only a couple of the dwarf lions will do well in a 55 gallon tank as adults and they will not be nearly as showy as the P. volitans everyone typically thinks of when you say lionfish. The same with the eels unless you find one of the dwarf species.

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Honestly you can do what ever you want if your smart, and pockets deep and above all your patient, My buddy had a full reef system 150gallons with two full grown lions, fuzzy dwarf, full grown snowflake eel, plus tangs gobies clowns. Its all about your set up, how you feed, and tank maintenance, people will tell you angels are not reef safe but people still put them together with success (and failure.) If you want Vibrant and Exotic sit down and think about what that means to you, what i mean is my view of vibrant and exotic is a reef community while my buddy in galveston loves sharks and rays.

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Check out the Tank Build and DIY areas of the forum. You will see lots of pics of people's tanks, lots of different ways to do things, and better yet, everything is documented. Don't be afraid to ask people if you can come see their tanks... most of us are more than happy to show off our babies, I mean tanks, and talk about our progression in the hobby and the things we have found effective/ineffective.

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