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Fiddler on the Roof


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I have started aquascaping my 135G lagoon tank. I am not finalized on where it is going to end but for now, it will be a very open look. The tank is 4' long with a sand bed that starts at zero on the left side and rises to 14" deep plateau at 3' to the right side at 4'.

On the left bottom is a 3/4" PVC manifold with four 3/8 inch orfices to maximize velocity. Two are eductors designed for aquarium use and the other two are PVC caps with a hole drilled to 3/8 inch. The two eductors are designed to create a venturi effect and circulate five times the volumn thru the orfice. To hide these fittings, I have covered them in rocks and large oyster shells while dancing to "If I Was a Rich Man" playing on the sterio.

I will plant some sprigs of green at various places to begin the growout process at the same time as the tank cycle.

More, later today.


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I was inspired to aquascaping as I walked the swift spring creek flowing diagonally thru my properety from the NW falling to the SE. I noted the flat rock with red mineral deposit lines and then again, I found another rock for a chimmey effect for my air bubbles as they rise pushing water ahead and up. As the upwelling water arrives at the surface, there is glass channel on three sides with much flow at the surface. It looks like the tide flowing quickly in one direction, "the deep". My tank now looks like Stonehedge, except with the contrasting Emerald Green from the Feather Calurpa, I say it is Easter Island. Then again, when you see the Sailfin Mollies swimming happily, you know that it is the Twilight Zone.


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Are you still going to put a wave generator on it? If you are, remember the problem that the Dutch had on the Zuider Zee. Keep on dancing.

I continue to dance. However, I now dance to "The Blue Danube" from "2001 A Space Odyssey".


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I have your camera and I will put a bunch in memory. When you get back from Dallas, please help a brother aggie out and "learn me up" on posting these pictures. The wildflowers in my yard are absolutely gorgeous, I will take pictures of them also. This weekend is fantastic weather. I have been playing vegetable gardener. Earlier in year, I started Hybrid Big Boy Tomatoes and colorful ornamental pepppers. These are now flowering outside after getting started on 400W MH then 100W LED. I went a little crazy and I now have nine citrus trees planted. They are all flowering and some have set fruit. The Pondorosa Lemon is the most fragrant of the bunch and the flower is purple and white. This lemon is my favorite citrus after the satsuma. I would only hope that my well holds up during the drought of summer.


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I am alternating running the Mag 12 with eductor manifold on for 12 hours a day with ebb tide during lights out. I consider this unidirectional tide flow. After the cycle is complete, I will play with a modest wave surge box. The tank looks nice, but it needs more cycle time. I will be adding live rock rubble and detrivore kits from several sources.


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