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getting a rbta out of tank


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My rbta finally split for the first time...it was overinflated close to vball size. Now I got two smaller one, I need to get one out before they sting everything. They are both slowly come out of the cave on my base rock...extremely hard to get the rock out. Any.trick/advice is greatly appreciated

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RBTAs shouldn't sting each other Pham, especially clones. I have 2 that are extremely close to each other and touch all the time and never sting each other. In fact you should be able to have a GBTA and RBTA next to each other without stinging the other...

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Yeah, if you are worried about him stinging other corals that makes a lot more sense than them stinging each other. they are not as delicate as many will make you believe. i have injured the foot of one getting it off a rock and it healed just fine and is still alive in my tank... You have many good suggestions above on how to remove him though.

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All the above suggestions are good. I have used a turkey baster filled with tank water that I put in the freezer for a few hours. I squirted a little of the cold tank water over the nem, to make it shrink. Then slowly release the water underneath the nem until it let go. This also works for clams.

Any way all good advice here. . . Just do what you are comfortable with.

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You're totally right to be concerned about it destroying things! My friend's burned a lovely pathway through his SPS on its ridiculous walk-about. If the cold method doesn't work (it usually does though!) you can also get a small piece of air tubing and small pump. Attach the airline to the pump and cut the end at about a 45 degree angle, and make sure the edges aren't sharp. With the pump on, work the tubing gently around the foot gently to coax him off. You can use a credit card to help finish the job if only the edges of the foot seem to come off. It takes a while, but its worth the effort!

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thanks again everyone... i will have to try it out this weekend when i have time to test out the method...not sure which one i want to keep in the tank. The mother is the one that is happy on the left under the cave for over 6+months without moving. The clone is on the right surprising bigger and lighter color than the mom. well i will give it a few more days to see which ever one is out or start moving will have to go.


I will keep yall updated.

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