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I have had this macro for about six months. It is attractive and slow growing. I also got some small sprigs of feather caulerpa which has taken off with a vengance. Instead of two mirrowed sides with feathers, it has three mirrowed sides. At this time it is 12" tall and growing up and out. I have not been able to identify as of yet. Maybe some taxicologist can help me out when they come for the April Meeting.


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Well alittle update on the lagoon. I have added a couple of more inverts thanks to Kim P. Adding alittle more color. I purchase three Bangaii cardinals and added them to the tank with full intentions of breeding them. Well I have lucked out again and I have a pair. They swim together and have taken over a cave in the live rock for there home. They are both eating well, and go crazy for Rods food. Now I just have to wait and see what happens. I know that they are suppose to be easy to breed, but from alot of reading that I have done, it's hard to keep the wild caught fish alive for more than a few weeks. luckyheo great looking little clowns. If you would like to sale a couple out of the next batch, I have a very nice home that they can come to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, my version of the backreef/lagoon tank is done. This would an small outcrop of reef material on the leeward side of the reef. An area of calmer water flow. Some would call it an outcrop in a seagrass meadow. The macro algaes are all doing fine and the tank has been stable for a few weeks now. There are nine different types of macro's and assorted inverts. As far as the fish load there are 4 Bangaii Cardnial fish, 2 Orange firefish, 3 Scissortail gobies, and 2 Zebra Bar gobies. I am using 2 water circulation pumps ,a thin argonite sandbed with a small CUC crew , about 30-35 lbs of very porous liverock for filtration. I have a HOB protein skimmer that I use a couple of days a week as a safety measure. There is about 2-3 lbs of actual organic living organisms in the tank. Parameters as of today are:

NO3 0.0

PO4 <.25

Ca 500

dK 12

PH 8.2

Just have to sit back and let everything grow out. Thank you Patrick and Kim P. Off to the next tank A planted Discus.



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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of updated photos. Having a terrible algae problem. Macro that is. Stuff is growing wildly and I believe the tank and it's inhabitants are now in equilibrium now.





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Looks good, growing out nicely!

Do you have codium in there, think I saw it in one picture? What temps do you prefer, asking because of the possible codium? Notice the window, how much sunlight on the tank?

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I grew codium for years in my seahorse tank. That stuff grows no matter what. I had it growing in very low light, high light, always around 74 degrees or lower though I'm sure it'd prefer higher temps. It grew most during times when I slacked on tank maintenance of course. Great macro. Where did you get some? Which kind is it?

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A couple of updated photos. Having a terrible algae problem. Macro that is. Stuff is growing wildly and I believe the tank and it's inhabitants are now in equilibrium now.

This looks amazing. Great job and inspiration for my lagoon!! What is that algae growing in the top corner of the right side?

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  • 2 months later...

Do you have any updated pics of your tank?

Re-reading this thread reminded me that I needed to dose iron, it had been a few weeks. Also reminded me that I need to take some pics too. grin.png

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I had two gorgs in "The Package", both were random extras and not a standard part of the package. One was a corky sea finger and the other was a whiteish small ~5" tall gorg. On the TBS site they list it as a SIlver Gorgonian. I traded that one to Tim during the frag swap. My corky sea finger is the one I still have and plan to frag in the next few days. Tim may be able to give a better ID, with scientific name, for the one I traded him.

My tank build thread has a couple of pics of them if you are interested.

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I know that you like to have rock and sand from different parts of the world for diversity. If you want a couple of pieces of TBS rock I'd be totally ok with a rock swap at some time.

I may be buying another 'package' soon as I'm going to upgrade my tank.

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I know that you like to have rock and sand from different parts of the world for diversity. If you want a couple of pieces of TBS rock I'd be totally ok with a rock swap at some time.

I may be buying another 'package' soon as I'm going to upgrade my tank.

I am very interested in Tampa Bay Saltwater for their diversity, the micro inverts along with micro fana and fauna. Let me investigate their site and see if we can do something together. Did you go to the airport for pick-up?

Over ten years ago, Richard and I talked business while I was on a drilling rig, in 5000 feet of water, 150 miles south of New Orleans. As it turned out, he was two miles from my location fishing in a big turnoment and came by the rig with a yacht full of models on the back deck.


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