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If they lied to me and made it sound like they wanted it for themselves, I'd be very irritated. Some people will tell you up front if they want it for resale, then its up to you if you still want to give it away. if I just wanted to get rid of something, I'd rather give it to the person who's honest about reselling it than the one who lied to get it.

But whenever I give something away its usually cause I like the person and I think they will get some enjoyment out of whatever it is, or they have been good to me in the past about something. I think after having it for a year though, your not really profiting from selling when you count the electric bills and food and water changes, plus sometimes you change your mind or it just isn't working out for what ever reason.

Interesting topic though, kinda gives everyone a good idea if the way people think...

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This guy said his father wasstarting a salt tank. He had seen the two episodes that Mark filmed about my tank and said the two episodes had decided his dad to start his own. I was happy to let him take pretty much what he wanted.

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This guy said his father wasstarting a salt tank. He had seen the two episodes that Mark filmed about my tank and said the two episodes had decided his dad to start his own. I was happy to let him take pretty much what he wanted.

Bill, I understand "hard to digest". I try not to let inconsiderate people rob my enthusiasm for doing good things. Only you can decide that. I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.


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Understandably, I would be upset also at the person misrepresenting themselves for free items. Without the help, generosity and incredible group that are ARC, I would have failed long ago. Thank you all!

Curious though, did you speak to the owner of the shop you found the rock in? Wonder if they traded in for other rock/sand/goods due to to many of said rock? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I also know some are in the hobby for the profit.

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I can completely understand your irritation. My first coral was given too me by an ARC member when I first started out. I personally would rather frag it and give it to some one to pay it forward rather than selling it. There will always be people with hidden agendas but I try not to let them effect the way I live my life or my view on things. Karma is a *****. It will bite them eventually.

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So the lesson learned here is to don't ever give anything away for free, next time charge them double! devil.gif

LOL^ good idea!

But, yeah that is pretty disrespectful for someone to do that, and you def have every right to be irritated. It would be nice to have a buyer/seller fedback sytem as well, I think that that is a good idea.....

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Well, I happened to be there when some of this was going on. As I pulled up there was a younger guy loading up two buckets of something in the trunk of a smaller white car. He looked asian, but I might be wrong. As Mrs Johnson let me in the home there was a couple of guys looking around in some buckets and I think that they took a couple of smaller items. Ric had put three small rocks aside for me which had some blue mushrooms attached. I just had a 5 gal bucket with me, so his wife got a little plastic container for the rocks. I told him that I was leaving a couple of dollars to pay for the container that his wife used. I thought that he was nice enough to give me the mushrooms that at least I should pay for the container. A couple showed up which I think got a couple of items which Ric put in a baggie. There was a quarter of a 5 gal bucket with things in it that was still there when I left. Who was there before I arrived or arrived after I left I do not know. I guess the biggest insult was not only was Ric giving things away but he was providing containers as well. I thought there was an understanding that I might give, but you have to have a way to haul.

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