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Just finished combining two tanks and have a few things I need to rehome:

1.) Allard's clown - 3-4", fairly large and reportedly aggressive (I adopted her a couple weeks ago from a guy who was moving with the intention of finding her a new home). She is currently hosting a big clump of xenia and I've seen her try to feed it as well (really cool sight!). Probably should go in a larger tank with no other clowns. - $10


2) Bicolor blenny - 3" - cool little guy with an awesome personality. Eats anything. I'd keep him but I already have a tribal blenny in the other tank and I don't think he'd tolerate the bicolor. - $10


3.) Fuzzy green mushrooms - about half-dollar size when fully open; they are upset in the picture because I had just moved them for a better shot. $5/ea. or free with one of the fish.


4.) LARGE frags of pulsing pink (pom-pom) xenia. Basically mini-colonies. $5/ea. (see above pics)

5.) Large and medium kenya trees - free. (see above pics)

6.) Pink encrusting gorgonian - grew on the back wall of the BC14. Easy starter coral. I'll have to scrape it off so no promises that it comes off in an intact sheet. - free (see above pics)

Sorry for the cyano, I've kind of let the tank go since I've been working on the new one...

For hardware (BC14, NC24, JBJ ATO, skimmers, etc.) please see my thread in the hardware forum.

PM is best. I live in the Parmer/McNeil area; I'm generally available evenings and weekends for pick-up.

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All livestock PMs replied.

Bluemoon, you can see the xenia in the first pic above, don't think I can get a better pic.

Clown pending lucag, polarbear 2nd in line.

Blenny pending Juiceman, polarbear 2nd in line, jaggedfire 3rd.

Mushrooms pending Polarbear, jaggedfire 2nd.

Gorgonian pending Woods.

Can make an almost endless supply of xenia and kenya tree frags out of the various tanks in the house, so let me know if you want some!

I forgot, I have about 20 lbs of live rock (med. to small pieces and a little rubble), $2/lb.

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