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How come you guys run your alk kinda low? Better for sps? Or better just in general?

Bio pellets or any other form of carbon dosing requires more natural saltwater parameters.


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Tested my Live Rock Bin and it came up with .95 po4 on Saturday.

I did my water change and tested again Sunday...


So yeah, lots of phosphates coming from that dry rock.

Today I decided to acid bath them!


When I pulled them out of the live rock bin they smelled horrible! I pulled a piece of live rock and it just smelled like rock... If that makes sense... So that further confirmed that a muriatic bath was warranted..


Safety first!




I did a %100 water change and separated the dry rock to see if it measures different which I'm sure it will. I'll test tomorrow night and see where were at!

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A dremel works great. Or a jig saw. I got my overflows pretty quiet. Will be interested to see how yours do.

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Yeah, I had to cut the bulkheads with a hack saw since the elbows were glued in. Wasn't super hard to cut them.. Just at an awkward angle.

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My CaRX wish still not working correctly.... I didn't change any settings..

It's getting air in the pump and not keeping it primed...

I think the problem is the koralin design. I've purged the air out several times over the last few days and it still happens.

Waiting for the 4th sales to hit and I'm upgrading...!

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15% at Geo this weekend! Score!

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Geo Calcium Reactors? Where do you see that?
I've been talking with them through email the last few days... Just got the heads up and order is already placed!

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Idk about yal but I think this is great! I always end up with tons of magnesium sulfate because the two part mix uses way more chloride.

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I'm confused, what do you mean?
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Idk about yal but I think this is great! I always end up with tons of magnesium sulfate because the two part mix uses way more chloride.

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I'm confused, what do you mean?

When you buy the normal two-part separate, you end up with way more of one part over the other. As you buy more it never quite equals out and you always have left over of one part or the other. These are premixed to the correct ratio for a gallon of solution. And it's not more expensive than buying the bulk mg parts.

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Ahhh, gotcha, you were talking about Mg the whole way. I use the combined Mg as well when needed.

I bought under the understanding my mg was at 930..... Now it says it's at 1260... So either way I'm going to test again before I raise it to the proper amount.

I will be incorporating remag into my CARX from now on so it shouldn't drop much anymore.

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