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Get that Mg and alk up!

I keep my alk at 7.5 so that didn't worry me, hand dosed it back up.

I made as much Mg solution as I could.... Didn't have much to work with. Gotta order some more!

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Whew... I'm gonna need more Mg!

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Heed that warning of not more than 100 ppm/day increase.

I guess I need to put some neo mag or similar in my CaRX from now on..

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If you are using the reborn media, I found that it's magnesium content is much lower than caribsea media so you'll have to supplement magnesium. When I was using the caribsea stuff, my Mg actually slowly went up.

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If you are using the reborn media, I found that it's magnesium content is much lower than caribsea media so you'll have to supplement magnesium. When I was using the caribsea stuff, my Mg actually slowly went up.

I use Carib sea... Which is why I'm surprised it's that low.

Reburn said that because I've been snipping so much SPS lately, that's what's been using it up

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I've never read about a correlation between Mg uptake and cutting SPS but there's plenty I haven't read so...

If you have a large population of coraline algae, that would be my number 1 culprit to blame.

I did..... Not anymore!

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How do you avoid ODing Mg in a carx?

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From what I understand, you just put it in proportion to your CaRX media..? Like 3 parts CaRX 1 part mg... Or something like that.

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Does a reactor make you consumer more mg? I just haven't had to dose it in over a year. I'm afraid if I ran it in a reactor it would skyrocket out of control? How did yours fall so low?

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Does a reactor make you consumer more mg? I just haven't had to dose it in over a year. I'm afraid if I ran it in a reactor it would skyrocket out of control? How did yours fall so low?

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Idk... I haven't tested for it in a long time... And I haven't added any in along time either..

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I don't believe the use of a reactor causes more rapid Mg uptake from the corals. The main usage comes from the formation of coral skeletons and from coraline algae uptake.

Bpb, your system was void of SPS for awhile so I could imagine your consumption was very low for Mg. If you have very little coraline or keep up with scraping it, that could keep your usage of Mg low as well.

Like Juiceman said, adding it to your calcium reactor allows it to dissolve with the regular media and supplement Mg. I wouldn't worry about an overdose. I've run Mg as high as 2,200 ppm with no issues, other than my snails started dying off at 2,000 ppm.

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The current state of Juiceman's Reef.

After everything was said and done I lost 2 female Lyretails.

They were hiding inside the crevasses of the live rock I pulled out to sell. I didn't notice them until one was on its way out from being out of water and I found the other one the next day inside the same bin.

Awaiting the stand to be completed so it can be tweaked a bit and the off to powder coat.

Need to do list:

Clean the tank (it needs a good hosing and scraping of coralline

Remove current overflows and plumbing

Drill for 2 3/4" bulkheads for returns

Undo all mounted hardware and electric

Build Manifold for new Return Pump

Install new stand

Re mount all hardware and electric

Install new Glass Hole Overflows

Install locline return fittings

Plumb new returns and overflows

Build new rock scapes

Allow rock scapes and sand to cycle/cure

100% water change inside display with Red Sea water

Turn valves to mix current tank with new tank

Move livestock

Remove bins!

Possible changes

New CaRX

Lowering of baffles in sump

New Skimmer

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Just a thought, but now that all your SPS are easily accessible in a trough, any thought to prophalytically dipping them for pests while you have the opportunity?

Yes, inspections and dipping are part of my plan! Missed that in the todo list... I need to mount the ones that don't have a rock base also... Since I'm not planning to use discs for myself unless I have to

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If it were me, I'd cut off any rock base... basically anything that isn't living flesh. You'll lose some encrustment but at the rate that you grow acros, that shouldn't be a huge deal. They will ensure that if there is any AEFW on any coral, that you'll remove their potential eggs from the rock in the base where they love to lay eggs.

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If it were me, I'd cut off any rock base... basically anything that isn't living flesh. You'll lose some encrustment but at the rate that you grow acros, that shouldn't be a huge deal. They will ensure that if there is any AEFW on any coral, that you'll remove their potential eggs from the rock in the base where they love to lay eggs.

For the most part, that's how they already are. Most were chopped off their bases because of palys or Aiptasia already. There are only a few that were clear.

I got pretty chop happy if it didn't look clear.

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Hmm.... Retested my Mg today

Came up with 1240.....

I was very specific today to make sure it was done correctly...


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I went back, but couldn't find it... What Mg test are u using? Red Sea?

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Yeah, Red Sea.

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Well, I recently got the same test and tested both of my tanks. It never changed colors so I thght my Mg was Sooo high, OR my test was bad. I took a sample to Nikos, Mg was 1240. So I took the test back to fish gallery and asked for help w/ it. Hard to believe, but it was operator error. Lol. I wasnt shaking the vile for the exact amount the directions said to. Not long enough. We tested their water and it was ok. I went home and re-checked my tanks, careful to follow the direction exactly. It worked. Lol. Not sure if that'll help u, but thght I'd share it

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