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I guess I've been playing with fire for years then... When I did my sump transition, it think it was out of water for maybe 8 hrs, then everything was back up and running with fresh carbon... Idk

I know I've done it with a few other things where I definitely didn't wait the full 24hrs, much less a week.

Either way, your logic is sound.

I put a bag of carbon in the bin just now Incase anything got in from the outside silicone on the bottom.

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A big part of the function is how much dilution you have per amount of silicone used. For you water volume, you're on the safer side as it can dilute more and you're only using enough silicone to seal a bulkhead, however, its pretty thick so cure times will increase based on how thick the silicone is laid.

If you were doing the same on a <100 gallon tank, I'd think not waiting may give you issues and maybe kill some tank inhabitants. In your scenario, you may be much safer but why risk it in my opinion. You can spend all this money trying to do the rock swap correct and save your fish and corals and then nuke it all by not waiting 5 more days just doesn't seem worth it.

I know you mentioned you'll wait but I just wanted to explain for others reading. [emoji4]

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Well.... I'm not waiting longer than tonight.... Maybe tomorrow depending... But I only used enough to go around the 1.5" seal and wiped the excess. I used waay more when I did the sump change and didn't wait as long. Either way, fresh Carbon will be ran throughout the process

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I'm using pool tubing to connect the tubs to the sump. And I'm planning to keep them and use them once the tank is back running again.

I had this tank all hard plumbed and all flex pic plumbed at one point or another.... Always hated it. It was super easy to use thanks to these fittings I found at Lowes!



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The display is SPS less... Tear down is always a little depressing but it will be worth it.


I got the SPS bin to the same temp and salinity as the display, then let it mix for a while. I started moving Frags over after about an hour or so and just went ahead and finished. Anything that had a hint of palys or Aiptasia was snipped off, no exceptions.

Polyps came right back out like nothing changed.

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I'd personally keep all the fish together so that you don't have issues with fighting once they are all reintroduced back into the tank. Either that or put the biggest tangs with the corals, that way when they are reintroduced to the rest of the fish, most won't want to pick a fight with them.

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I'd personally keep all the fish together so that you don't have issues with fighting once they are all reintroduced back into the tank. Either that or put the biggest tangs with the corals, that way when they are reintroduced to the rest of the fish, most won't want to pick a fight with them.

Yeah, I was thinking about that.... I had thoughts about algae in the SPS tank. Maybe putting the purple and yellow in it to keep up. Maybe also the kole.

The 2 things that would worry me are aggression later and space in between the bottom and top eggcrate... Don't want the fish to hurt them selves...

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It's a little bit of a tubing maze but everything is now plumbed in!


Fish bin is ready. The plan is to move the live rock from the sump which looks pretty clean of "pests" but will still get a good inspection once I pull them out. Then start pumping water into the tub... Then start adding fish.. Then start adding fish and so on. The LPS and softies will go into the sump where the live rock was. I also have several pvc pieces I'll be putting in the fish bin as well as a Tupperware of sand for the Christmas wrasse.

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Sps look like nothing has changed.... So as long as I'm careful not to make a mess of the sump and water going into the fish bin, we should have a smooth transition with no serious fluctuations in levels

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So..... The system is running 2 degrees cooler than normal since moving to the bins... I haven't changed any return pumps, I'm running 1 less ATI but that's about it, and it was running until last night.

Thoughts? Is there something that was causing it that I'm not thinking of?


Maybe the flex pvc plumbing was keeping the water insulated for heat better than the pool flex tubing?

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More surface area and potentially less thermal resistance in the tubs.

Having one less fixture probably makes a huge difference as well.

Might be because it's a little over cast today too... I'll watch it and see what it does... Still interesting though

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The live rock from the sump is surprisingly clean. I can't see any Aiptasia, Palys, or GSP at all. Lots of sponge but that's about it.

It has been in the dark for probably 2-3 years. Still gonna watch it carefully just in case I need to yank any of it.


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Did some testing once everything was settled...

The new Aragonite Sand tested 0 for Phosphates!

The Live Rock Bin

Ammonia - 0

Nitrite - 0

Nitrate - 0

Po4 - .95

Darn dry rock


The running tubs:

Alk 6.83

Ca 465

Mg 920

Na3 3

K 420

Po4 .06

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