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You're a busy dude! Love the fish cabinet! The light was a nice touch.

Getting to the home stretch, my hand hurts from scraping all the coraline off the front and sides last night....

Last 2 things are installing the breakout box for the Float switch from my skimmer collector, and Mounting the Wires from the pumps on the back of the tank!

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Time for Surgery....



Took lots of pictures and taped labels onto each wire to make sure I put them back correctly...

It was a PITA to get the main wires back into the screw in holders...


Back in Business!


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Drilled the hole for my Skimmer waste, and a hold for the Rodi line that I had sitting around from an old project.


Pulled the wires through the line and the fitting to give myself a little distance for it to trip and turn off the skimmer.



On to the next project...

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Apparently Vortech Backup Batteries only last about 3-5 years before having to be replaced.... I was prompted to ask when I was organizing cords and the Backup didn't kick in when I unplugged the vortechs.

Didn't plan for that expense...

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The battery is easy to replace.

Here is the battery. I used an 22ah vs the standard 18ah. The batteries were almost the same price. It runs my 2 mp10s for like 2 days. If you order the battery and swing it by I can replace in in less then 10 minutes. I have all the drill bits and pop rivets already.


Here is the link how to do it.


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The battery is easy to replace.

Here is the battery. I used an 22ah vs the standard 18ah. The batteries were almost the same price. It runs my 2 mp10s for like 2 days. If you order the battery and swing it by I can replace in in less then 10 minutes. I have all the drill bits and pop rivets already.


Here is the link how to do it.


I think I'll take you up on that!

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Ok guys.... I have to figure out how to silence my Fishy Business overflow.


Bulkheads lead to a 90 which goes down with flex pvc.


I do have a nice hate valve on each line


The sound comes from the gurgle right at the bulkhead in the over flow.


I tried rodi like from the top of the 90s, once I had a siphon, I sometimes had water coming out of the tops somehow. So I siliconed those holes shut for now pending a new solution.

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Look at the glass holes overflows. They have a 3/8 tube that's drilled to go in the top of the 90. Your supposed to push the tube in or pull it out to get it into the air pocket that forms that makes the gurgling noise. Maybe the RO line wasn't big enough or long enough. I don't know if that would work or not but it's a place to start.

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Look at the glass holes overflows. They have a 3/8 tube that's drilled to go in the top of th 90. Your supposed to push the tube in or pull it out to get it into the air pocket that forms that makes the gurgling noise. I don't know if that would work or not but it's a place to start.

So I wasn't using big enough tubing maybe? I used the standard rodi tubing. I pushed them down until it seemed they were pulling air, then id randomly hear water hitting the floor every now and then and it was coming from the line id stuck in there. I'll take a peek at the glass holes overflow in a bit.

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Most lines I have seen drape back in the tank for that reason I presume. I think a little bit of burping is normal.

But I will say I am NOT an overflow expert by any means.

Hmm, so I'd zip tie the line to the return lines maybe so if it did, it goes in the tank... Seems gaudy.... :( hopefully there's a better way.

I've seen some that just have the drilled hole and no air line.... Would that work? Idk

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Ok, Looked at the Glass Holes overflow.... its basically the same type of setup as me. And is silent.

The difference is the 3/8 tubing as the vent.. and they have a baffle that goes into the box and sits on top of the Bulkhead to severely reduce noise.

Literally just a piece of Acrylic that's the shape of the Overflow but small enough to go inside so you can't see it and blocks the water falling noise from the top.

Where could I get something Made/Cut for me to a custom Size and oval shape to match my overflows?

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So I would need something like this

Top Drawing is the Overflow from the top. The Half Circle Baffle would sit above the Bulkhead which causes the Water to not fall as far and remove noise, as well as force the water around so it's not falling directly into the Bulkhead as it's doing right now.

The second drawing is the "Inside" of the Overflow. I think I'll need some rod feet for the baffle since there's nothing for the baffle to sit on like on the glass holes version.

It would funnel the water with less splashing and gurgle. Just need to find somewhere/someone to make some for me.
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That would drive me nuts...

Does Shane still plumb tanks like that, or has he moved to Bean Animal style overflows/drains?

Only time I ever got noise on either the frag tank or the display is:

- When I get lazy and don't touch the frag tank for months.

- When the display hits flush modes and I get a bit of a surge into the emergency pipe on the display.

I know Shane likes to keep his overflows small, but I wouldn't trade that for noise.

To save tank space, did an external box on the frag tank, the display is large enough that a small box at the top center didn't bother me.

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