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I took apart and cleaned my CARX about a week ago, since then the co2 line keeps stopping. I'll get the bubbles going, and in about 5 hrs it'll stop.

I'll barely touch the knob and they'll start again, and I'll go through the same thing again in about 4-5 hours.

I've turned down the feed line so as to not pump in too much pressure, and it's still happening.. Any thoughts?

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Its hard to blow air into the line....

No I didn't take apart the regulator.

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Which line are you blowing into? I would remove all lines and blow on them to see if there are any obstructions to any of them. A small piece of media could have possibly clogged one of them.
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Taking a picture of the Black Tang was a pain in the Blank.....!




The Sohal and Achilles gave him a really hard time when I let him loose, and the Red Coris Wrasse is giving him a hard time today......

Interesting that the Purple Tang and Yellow Tang (which should be the most aggressive) aren't almost at all.

He's starting to come out but hasn't left his "side" yet.

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I'm still messing with the Calcium Reactor, can't get the Bubble count to be constant,

It'll bubble for a few seconds then start slowing down until it eventually stops...

I'm pretty sure its a Pressure issue. I've checked all the lines and nothing is blocked. I have gate valves on the intake and outake and have tried tuning the flow from both sides, still not working in either situation..


debating on if the check valve is the issue. I don't have an Air Check Valve... its a water check valve.

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Taking a picture of the Black Tang was a pain in the Blank.....!




The Sohal and Achilles gave him a really hard time when I let him loose, and the Red Coris Wrasse is giving him a hard time today......

Interesting that the Purple Tang and Yellow Tang (which should be the most aggressive) aren't almost at all.

He's starting to come out but hasn't left his "side" yet.

Man Rory that's great lookin fish!!!!

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After lots of trial and error....

I turned the gate Valve on the Manifold down, then fine tuned the effluent with the Smaller Valve on the line.

I read that the PSI on the regulator needed to be at least 30 if you use a Check Valve, and now it's working..... For now...

We'll see tomorrow if it stays constant.

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How's the black tang?

He's skiddish but active. It's as if he thinks he's big and kinda bucks to everyone which ends up getting him in trouble.

He's eating and not covered in ich so I think we're good for now!

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Just a thought that occurred to me... you are the only person I know directly that has acantharus tangs, in a known ich management situation, that doesn't have huge outbreaks of ich on your tangs. Anything you can think of that helps your fish recover so well and not succumb?

The minute I put a powder blue in the tank, all hell breaks loose! Otherwise, I went years with ich management with other tangs and angels with no issues. This is with a giant UV too!

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No UV, I soak they're frozen in Garlic every few days, nori every other day, idk.

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I'm just to going to call it straight awesome luck! Jerk! [emoji12]

Honestly I see Ich all the time.

The Achilles has it pretty much all the time, just not alot.

The last time it was bad was when I added a Powder Blue. Him and the Achilles went at it for a few days and wore each other out. No one else got it.

I think it's from a mixture of non aggressive fish and "aggressive" fish, so no one gets picked on too much.

I added a Kole Tang a few weeks ago, and the Sohal and Achilles tore him up for a whole day.

He eventually found him a hiding spot inside of a frogspawn, and hes been healthy ever since.

The exact same thing is happening with the Black Tang. They tore him up the first day. 2nd not so much, today hes bucking at them! haha

Everytime I do see Ich getting bad, I Feed more heavily for a few days with lots of Garlic and Zoe and it always passes

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I've been able to do the same thing but not with the powder blue. If any fish gets an outbreak, I'd leave it be and they always recover. The powder blues never recover for me... hence why I'm tearing apart the tank. Lol.

I think that causes more damage than good

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Normally I agree with you, I've been on the same boat with you on ich management in tanks. But for me, I can't seem to keep powder blues healthy so ich-free is the only way I can do it from this point. Unless you give me some of your special tankwater, I have no other options. Haha.

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Normally I agree with you, I've been on the same boat with you on ich management in tanks. But for me, I can't seem to keep powder blues healthy so ich-free is the only way I can do it from this point. Unless you give me some of your special tankwater, I have no other options. Haha.

Juiceman's Snake Oil.. Only $199.99, Instant Ich Management! Coming soon

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Normally I agree with you, I've been on the same boat with you on ich management in tanks. But for me, I can't seem to keep powder blues healthy so ich-free is the only way I can do it from this point. Unless you give me some of your special tankwater, I have no other options. Haha.

Juiceman's Snake Oil.. Only $199.99, Instant Ich Management! Coming soon
Please sir! I'll take two!
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