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Soooo...... Been thinking

My nitrates have read the same thing for the past 4-5 months despite all the cleaning, water changes, bacteria etc.

So my bio pellets are at least maintaining them where they are, so should I add more to drop them?

I'm using what's recommended for 200 g, I have a 320 ish net gallon system with tons of Tangs.


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I put in 100 gallons worth of pellets, which would make up for what I'd previously not added. Interesting finding is that that equals 2 Cups of Pellets, It looks like I only had that amount in the Reactor to begin with, so I only had enough pellets for 100 gallons of water, with my fish population, I could see that not keeping up. I don't want to add too much at once, so I'm going to let this roll for a month or so and add more if I don't see improvement.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Changed out GFO and Carbon, fed less, did a lot of blowing of rocks and coral. Lost some small frags. Had horrible polyp extension and some stn. Black slime on my LPS, tank looked horrible.

Things look great again, Polyps of better than before. growth starting again.

I was looking at my fish all out front and noticed a big player was missing.....

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Since adding more pellets I'm having flow issues in my reactor. I got a bigger pump previously because it was keeping them suspended, so with more pellets, my new one can't keep up.. Smh so I ordered another new pump. Anyone need an ehiem 2000.... Lightly used :(

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Bad news.... My CaRX is not keeping up with my Alk, I keep having to dose BRS Alk solution to keep it up and decreasing the ph of the reactor.

Good news.....corals are growing again!.!!!.!





Got the new pump installed on the bio pellets, had to add a valve to crank it down.

Will test Nitrate tomorrow and see where I'm at

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I'd be pretty surprised if your CaRX isn't keeping up Juiceman. My reactor is half your size and is supplying my tank nicely. I will say I have to replace about 3 cups of media monthly in my CaRX but the rate does keep up.

What is your pH effluent set at? What's your drip rate at?

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I'd be pretty surprised if your CaRX isn't keeping up Juiceman. My reactor is half your size and is supplying my tank nicely. I will say I have to replace about 3 cups of media monthly in my CaRX but the rate does keep up.

What is your pH effluent set at? What's your drip rate at?

I know it's not keeping up because I raised the ph on purpose when everything went haywire and nothing was growing and the carx was raising the alk instead of maintaining it.

I have just recently started lowering the ph back down to compensate for the growth starting again.

Im in the tuning phase right now, adding brs solution to get the alk back where it should be and lowering the ph every few days until it starts maintaining it again. No Worries!

I'll take tuning my carx over killing fish and coral!

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Ohhh... I thought you meant your maxed out your CaRX and need to supplement with 2-part now. doh.gif

You're just saying that you dialed back you CaRX (by increasing pH) because things weren't happy before and growing but now that everything is happy and growing again, you are adding 2-part to supplement while you start slowly dialing back your CaRX again and lowering the pH to keep up with the demand. Got it.

Glad everything is on the up and up again. snack.gif Let's see those colonies grow out again!

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What test kit are you using to test nitrates? Have you tried comparing your results to another test standard? I'm eternally an auditor at heart, I always question the validity of my testing equipment. Most fish stores will test your water parameters for free if you want to double check that your test is accurate. What does your biological filtration outside of bio pellets do you have? Macro algae in the sump? I'm a believer in using algae as a good tool to remove nutrients from the water and a source of food for pods.

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What test kit are you using to test nitrates? Have you tried comparing your results to another test standard? I'm eternally an auditor at heart, I always question the validity of my testing equipment. Most fish stores will test your water parameters for free if you want to double check that your test is accurate. What does your biological filtration outside of bio pellets do you have? Macro algae in the sump? I'm a believer in using algae as a good tool to remove nutrients from the water and a source of food for pods.

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I'm using Red Sea. I bought a brand new test about 2 months ago, same results. I've tested store water and other tanks water and gotten lower level results, so I don't think it's wrong. And ty has tested it in the past and it showed the same.

Pellets and live rock are my filtration for nitrates.

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What test kit are you using to test nitrates? Have you tried comparing your results to another test standard? I'm eternally an auditor at heart, I always question the validity of my testing equipment. Most fish stores will test your water parameters for free if you want to double check that your test is accurate. What does your biological filtration outside of bio pellets do you have? Macro algae in the sump? I'm a believer in using algae as a good tool to remove nutrients from the water and a source of food for pods.

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I'm using Red Sea. I bought a brand new test about 2 months ago, same results. I've tested store water and other tanks water and gotten lower level results, so I don't think it's wrong. And ty has tested it in the past and it showed the same.

Pellets and live rock are my filtration for nitrates.

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The FarmerTy Nitrate standard Gig'em... duh! whistle.gif

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Bad news...... My alk is still low at 5.42

Good news...... My Nitrates are down too!,!,!,! Test reads 10 ppm. It hasn't been lower than 30 for months!

No wonder things have started growing again!

Po4 read 0.00 also, but I feed today so looks like we're back on track!

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Yikes! That's some crazy low alk! Was it just drifting in that direction or was that something that happened overnight?

Glad the nitrates are finally going down for you. Do you think it's the combo of adding more biopellets and a new pump or maybe decreasing your GFO usage?

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Yikes! That's some crazy low alk! Was it just drifting in that direction or was that something that happened overnight?

Glad the nitrates are finally going down for you. Do you think it's the combo of adding more biopellets and a new pump or maybe decreasing your GFO usage?

I think it's a little of both. Less aggressive gfo usage and adding the proper amount of pellets.

It has been drifting for a while as I've been tuning my carx back up. But it has been harder to keep up the last 2 weeks. I'm adding more alk solution each day and testing until I get it to about 7 or so, then concentrating on tuning the carx again.

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Did you change the CaRX settings dramatically? I usually just turn up the pH and leave the drip rate the same, always. That way when I need to reset it back, I just get it back to the same pH I had it set at before and viola, instantly calibrated again.

Main reason I do that is because I actually have a reading for the pH that I can gauge my adjustments with versus the flow rate, where I would have to measure the change in flow each time manually with a cup and timer. I like option 1 better.

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