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Using ARC with Multiple Computers?


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Is there something that can be done that will allow me to stay logged into ARC when accessing the site across multiple computers? Throughout the day I switch computers a couple of times, and it seems that every time I need to log back in...

Cookies are enabled, and I have the "Remember me" checked. If I access ARC from the same computer consistently, I do not get this problem. It only happens if I say, access from my work desktop, then a while later access it from my laptop. I do not have these type of issue with Nano-Reef....

Thanks ... just a minor gripe to make the board a bit more easier :lol:

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Nope, that didn't help.

On all three computers here at work (my linux box using Firefox, my windows laptop running Firefox, and my iPhone running Safari) I hit the "Delete all cookies" link on the web page.

I then proceeded to log in on my linux box, worked fine. Then left the site. I then logged in on my laptop, and left the site. I then logged in on my iPhone and left the site. When I went back to ARC on my linux box, I was logged back out....

Oh well, I guess I need to play with the combinations more to see if I can find a pattern. My ain complaint was more for my iPhone, as it does not have a web site password manager ... the other two machines will auto-fill in my username/password.

Not sure if it matters, but I have the "Remember Me" checked in each of the login pages. And I always load the Forums directly (bypassing the main page).

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Not sure if it matters, but I have the "Remember Me" checked in each of the login pages. And I always load the Forums directly (bypassing the main page).

That is the same way I do it. I am running IE on both computers (home and work) and they work fine. Maybe you need some more evil Bill products. :D

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It will kick the cookie once you change browser types. Try going back and forth on your linux box and windows laptop using only firefox. You should stay logged in.

I don't see how you could successfully be using all three on NanoReef without logging out. They just barley upgraded to 2.1.7

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It will kick the cookie once you change browser types. Try going back and forth on your linux box and windows laptop using only firefox. You should stay logged in.

I don't see how you could successfully be using all three on NanoReef without logging out. They just barley upgraded to 2.1.7

Ahh.. that makes sense with the multiple browsers.

And not sure why NanoReef doesn't give me grief when I switch between browser types. Oh well, just helps me keep my memory up by needing to remember my passwords :)

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  • 1 month later...

Woo! Another iPhone user ... will have to get in touch with you for beta testing once I get my first web app done :D

But back on topic ... ah that might explain it then, as I have to use Edge at work with my iPhone...

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Yeah .. my overall intent is to offer my PalmOS games on the web (first for iPhone/touch users, later for all web peoples)... I am first starting off with a new game I already had in the works for the Palm platform, then I will work on porting my more popular games.

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