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When to test water parameters


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I'm considering starting carbon dosing on my tank. I picked up a bottle of NO3:PO4 -X by Red Sea yesterday and it says to test the nitrate and phosphate levels frequently to adjust the amount of product added to make sure levels don't drop too low. I have seahorses and so I feed frozen mysis at least once per day, which is probably like dumping a spoonful of phosphate in each time. So I'm not sure when would be a good time to test the water. I'm guessing not immediately after feeding, but maybe not right before either?

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Why not do a series of tests a few hours apart? I don't do carbon dosing but I would do several tests to get a benchmark then immediately before the first dosing then a few hours later and then halfway mark between dosings until I get a feel for what's going on.

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Okay, that's very helpful to know. I'm guessing it's true carbon dosing since the main ingredients are methanol and vinegar. I ran several tests over the course of the day and for one, my nitrate is pretty low at 3 and my phosphate is high like I thought. It definitely went up a couple hours after feeding. I hate these color tests, and the phosphate ones are the hardest for me. My best guess is I started out at 0.5 and closer to 1 after feeding. I'm using a low range red sea pro and a nutrafin one that goes much higher.

Anyway, I'm still undecided since my nitrate is so low. The directions for this product base dosage levels on nitrate. I just need to pull my phosphate down and keep it there without being able to use a reactor.

Thanks for the help!

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get a hanna phospate checker you will thank me in the morning :)

from what I have read about carbon dosing it takes months for the bacteria to actualy get a big enough presence to make a difference. I know with vinager you want to keep uping the dose till you hit 0 then cut the amount of that dose in 1/2 to use as your base normal dose. and then check weekly to see if they numbers go up if so incease 1 ml check in a week and if they go up ad 1 more mil so on till you get them stable at close to 0.

for my size tank I started with 9ml then the next week went to 12 16 and am currently at 22ml and my phospates are still at .2 ish. and its been over a month so far no drop from the cabon and I also run gfo

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