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Juiceman's 90 Gallon - A year in the making


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I'm officially 1 year into the hobby and I've learned a ridiculous amount of info from reading, visiting others tanks, and my own trials and triumphs.

This is a video of my documentation of my 90 Gallon reef tank.

90 Gallon Tank (Drilled by Fishy Business)

30 Gal Sump (Fishy Business)

ASM G2 Skimmer, Mag 18 return

90 lbs of Figi Live Rock, 60 lbs of Tukani Live Rock

VHO lighting up until Month 11 when I switched to 250w 14k Halides

Numerous SPS, LPS, and Softies.

You'll see transitions from new tank syndromes, cyano and dinos, to where the tank is today!

Thanks for all you guys help and suggestions, as well as hoping that my experiences have help a few as well!


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