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Goodbye to everyone!


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Because of what seems to be an ongoing disagreement with administrators I'm stepping away from the forum this time for good. I had just come back from taking a break because of it but I found myself right back in the same spot within just a couple weeks. Details aren't necessary and that's not what this thread is about. Just wanted to say goodbye.

There are lots of good people here that years ago taught me the majority of what I know now about reefkeeping. I started out with a 175 gallon just a few years ago and now I have a 500 gallon system and am working now on a small commercial breeding setup for raising fire and cleaner shrimp. I couldn't have got this far without the forum and its members. What I always liked about this forum is its small size and the quality of its members. I've learned a lot from reef friends here..... timfish, acropoorer, fishypets, donD, offroadodge, markC, pbnj, mama, chad and belinda, just to name a few but there are many more. To show my appreaciation I've paid it forward spending countless hours here donating the little time that I have trying to help other members. This is how it works here and I don't regret being a part of it.

I'm not closing my account so if you need me I can be reached with a PM. Goodbye to everyone and good luck with your reefs! wave.gif

Stephen K.

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Sorry to see you go!! You have been so helpful with everything and have helped me lots!! I appreciate everything and wish you the best in the future... might stop by and see things when we are out that way again.... Good luck :) and happy holidays

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Sorry to see you go Stephen. The door is always open should you wish to come back. As I mentioned in the other thread, there will be many changes coming with the start of the year which will be detailed in a new thread.

As a member, IF YOU EVER FEEL THAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TREATED FAIRLY then you should not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to resolve the situation BUT I require the time to investigate and respond, especially over a holiday break. I strongly believe that our club exists for its members, and that the experience and advice that the members provide is the reason that people come here and will continue to come here.

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I have had a few lengthy conversations with mike (new owner of ARC) and it seems we are on the same page about my concerns. He seems to really care about the members and I don't get the impression that he will put the sponsors above us. He says he is making some big changes now that he is in the drivers seat that frankly I felt like were overdue, mainly non-sponsor group buys and I think that he will clearly define what "commercial sales" are so that there is not any grey area. These were really the only ongoing problems that I had with the forum, I look forward to the changes.

Good luck mike, sorry you had to deal with this but I'm glad that you did.

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Stephen I agree I too have been somewhat previewed to some of his changes and I think that he has some great ideas and will impliment them well... I too got very frustrated with the "only sponsors can have our group buy business" type personality that was becoming of ARC I think that Andrew did lots of great things and made a wonderful place for us reef addicts or dabblers alike to be able to come together.... But it will be nice to see the new life that Mike will breathe into it also.. Cant wait to see some of these changes take effect bring it on Mike smile.png

So Stephen does this mean you might just be sticking around afterall????

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wow...i would hate to see you go for good. As some can tell i have been away from the boards like i used to since i built my new tank, kinda lost interest after the build do to MANY reasons. Tryn to get back here and see the new names. There are alot of old reefers that lurk and dont post. Good to see everything looks like it has been hashed out for now. The online world of sales is killing the LFS and at the rate of inflation EVERYONE is looking to get the best price but here in the near future "sales tax" will be added to online sales so that will relieve some of the stress on the LFS but price still beats tax. See ya later Stephen

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Aquatek gives a discount. All you have to do is ask. Unless they got rid of it.

last I asked.. and this was about a month ago.. They had their own membership club that you had to pay for, but nothing for ARC members.. as does aquadome..

If you ask me.. if a LFS wants to be a sponsor on this forum, they should offer something in return to its members.

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Everytime I see this thread and see Robb as the last poster I get excited that he's leaving.... just to be disappointed.

Glad everything worked out Stephen, I would hate to see you go. I love coming down to see your tank, and you've always been more than helpful to me anytime I've had a question.

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