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New coral, drastic water parameter change?


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I just added my first coral to my tank, around 13 frags. Before I went to get them (live in east texas, went to austin to get good coral) my water parameters were perfect. My calcium levels were slightly lower than I wanted but still pretty high.

They have been in my tank for about 24 hours now, everything is looking very happy and polyp extension on everything is great. But i just tested my water and it is like everything went down hill. This is my before and after


Salinity: 1.021

Temp: 78

pH: 8.0-8.2

ammonia: undetectable

nitrite: undetectable

nitrate: 5ppm

phosphate: undetectable

calcium: 400-420

alkalinity: 11dkh


Salinity: 1.024

Temp: 78

pH: 8.0-8.2

ammonia: 0.25-0.5

nitrite: undetectable

nitrate: 15ppm

phosphate: undetectable

calcium: 340-360

alkalinity: 2dkh (this is bad, right?? how do i fix it??)

I added a pura filtration pad to my filter about 14 hours ago. Could that affect it? Should I do a water change or would that shock it even more?? I have been adding Kent: Essential Elements to my tank. Should I add more of that? Would it help?

Thanks in advance.

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did you add the tank water from the 14 bagged corals ? if so it could have an effect on your tank if its only 20 gal. A water change is a good idea you want to get rid of the ammonia its a killer i would do 10% and recheck in the morning and posibly do another if it still has ammonia. Why and how much of Kents essential elements are you useing ? If nothing was in the tank and you have been dosing the kents with nothing to use it it may have built up ? not sure on that just an idea.

and ya for your alk to change that much I would say you did the test bad or the kit is old.

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Definitely retest everything. If all your animals look happy but your tests show radical changes like that I'd think it's the tests or test procedures before water quality. How far apart were the tests? 1 day, two days? It's hard to change alk and calcium that much in a short time unless you've got a lot of death or done massive water changes. I also would expect the pH to have changed noticably if both alk and calcium changed. Did you test with in half an hour to an hour of adding water? Sometimes it may take a while for new water (either fresh topoff or new saltwater) to mix especially if it's noticebly colder or warmer than the tank water. Also test the water you're using for makeup water, I would expect to see ammonia there, here in Austin RO and RO/DI usually tests about 1 ppm (I don't see this as an issue, with a 25% water change bacteria and corals should eat it up in less than a day).

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. . .How long can my coral survive without excellent cal and a stabel alk, . . .

So much for me thinking it might have been unmixed water doh.gif . Corals can adapt so it's hard to say (it's hard to say when they won't also). Having your parameters jump around can be worse then having one parameter less than ideal. If your animals are still showing good expansion I'd make just slow adjustments. (my opinion best way to make fast adjustments is with a combination of new water along with aged water form an existing healthy system.)

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. . . Thanks for all the input! I would be screwed if I didnt find this site smile.png

Yeah, I've said this before and don't mind saying it again: Even though I've been keeping saltwater 24 years and read as much as I can ARC has still helped me be a better aquarist! Being able to discuss and argue ideas and meet other aquarists who may do things differently or who have experience in an area or with animals or with equipment I'm not familair with is a valuable asset.

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