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New to SW - Hello to all


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Hello all,

I am a long time keeper of FW aquariums and trying my first SW tank after many envious years. I set up a 25 ~3 weeks ago and I am on the trailing edge of the ammonia spike in the cycle. I have been lurking on the site for a week or so after finding the site from Nano-Reef.com. Looking for some tips and heads up for my setup!

Since this is a smaller tank, I realize that the fish quantity will be limited with a future plan of corals. Since I only have ~30W of T8 bulb on this tank, I will also be in serious need of more light down the road.



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Hello Warlock. Thanks for the welcome. I am seasoned in FW well and have been researching SW for ~3 months, but have a LOT! to learn. Tough call on the tank sizes but if you plan on going reef/corals later, the 37 might be hard to get light down into, in case expense is an issue. I do love the 37 and 29gal dimensions though!

RIght now, I am on a super tight budget and have to either build myself or barter for everything. Good luck with the decision.

Edited by jaggedfire
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Be prepared for a big bug bite sooner, rather than later, to upgrade.

Don't forget, we have some good info in the resources tab on the top right corner from the main page. And, don't hesitate to ask questions. We've all been where you are and, most of us, are eager to spare the noobs some pain. 'Go get em Noob!' ;)

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Thanks to all. I have managed to pick up ~50 lbs of live rock that included some random corals, inverts and a yellow tail. Since my lighting is still sub par at best, the good stuff went to the top of the stack. I did find a few polyps of aiptasia, which were removed. Peppermint is on the list!

It has been about a week and everything is responding well. Params are: 0 am, 0 nitrite, 5-10 nitrate, PH 7.8-8, temp 78-80 depending on part of day. I do have some hair algae blooming but am adding CUC progressively. Suggestions?

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First cycle was complete. I did feel I was adding quite a bit too fast with the speed, unfortunately I didn't have another tank for the extras until the main tank was cycled again from the new LR. The mushroom and zoa came with the LR as a package and from an established tank of ~2 years and appear to be doing well. I am new with SW admittedly.

I have also performed 2 10-15% water changes since adding the LR, one during the LR add and one this weekend. Post cycle Ammonia and Nitrates have stayed at 0 since adding the new LR while nitrates peaked at 10ppm, both readings taken before water changes.

The YT Damsel has responded well with vibrant color and swim patterns, even starting to come out of hiding when we approach the tank.

Derrick, I am open for critique and suggestions. I do not plan on adding more until this stabilizes, but can I add small blue or scarlet leg crabs to help with the clean up?

Thanks in advance!

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I'd raise your SG, but thats just my preference 1.025-1.026 is where I keep mine. What about other params? Its always good to have a lot of testing equipment.

So let me ask you this. From the time you put your water/salt in the tank, how long has it been? Just wondering as it took about 4 weeks for my tank to cycle when first set up, and then 3 weeks after I moved to RR. Then again, I used sun bleached rock both times. You may have sped up the process with "cured" live rock you could call it.

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Good to know on the Sal. What is the benefit of being higher?

First water was a bit over 4 weeks ago, and added 2 small pieces of LR ~3 weeks ago. I am about to order test kits for other params; suggested brands and extras? Will GH and KH cover me or should I add calcium, copper and iodine tests?

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Welcome!!!!! Def get your light upgraded and keep your hands out of the tank!!! the more you mess with the harder it will be....If you have hair algae you are running too high a nutrient system......You should be stable and only adding topoff by now.......Trust me you listen long enough and you will hear to do everything from adding vodka to sugar to your tank......ahahahahahaha take EVERYTHING with a bucket of salt and get ready to have a blast.....Make friends and ask tons of questions. Keep your SG @ 1.025 and KEEP IT there...no fluctuations.....But I agree with everyone else....Only test for CA alk and ONLY ADD WHAT YOU TEST FOR....If you dont test for it do not add it!!!! i.e. vodka....lol. or iodine or anything else. 3-5 watts per gallon. Stay away from DSB and feed who you need only what they can eat in 2 min or less then when they finish that ....add some more and if they eat that ...well you get the picture.......Take your time with feedings and watch those algae blooms. Fix your light system and that may help you with algae, as the right spectrum and amounts will curtail some of the issue... As far as your inverts/ cleanup crew. Add what you want but drip acclimate them over the course of an hour or so especially if you are not sure of the SG dif between tanks. They are very susceptible so go slow and treat them right. Overall less is more if you set your tank up correctly.....sadly most tanks are ALL fighting your problems and could be avoided very easily if the setup was done correctly. If you have any questions or want to talk further feel free to pm me and Ill help you out however I can....Just glad to see a new addict out there!!!! Have fun!1

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