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In need of advice


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So I just picked up a 14 gallon biocube for my sea horse. It needs a good cleaning with vinger so I'm going to do that now. Once I clean it with vinger and rinse it out do I need to do anything else to it or can I fill it up with water?

Another question is I'm going to be rinsing the sand that came in the tank and then placing it back in there to use. I'm using live rock already. If I take 14 gallons of water out of my display tank that has great water peramters do I still need to wait for a cycle?

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I would wait, just to be certain. A spike of ammonia is going to be bad news for your seahorse. If you just really need to get it in there, be sure to add a good amount of prime each day until you're sure there's no cycle. Oh and throw in an airline too if you do that. Prime ties up oxygen.

What type of seahorse did you get!? :-)

P.S. Biocubes seem to get fairly hot all closed up and a lot of seahorses need to stay below 74 degrees.

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I got a sea horse from the coast. My wife's brother found it stuck to some seaweed. It's a dwarf sea horse. It's no hurry to move it. It's just that it's been in a 1.5 gallon desk top tetra tank for the last 4 months and it's time it has a bigger home with better filtration.

I was thinking of getting some fine sugar sand for the tank. What do you think?

Thanks for the advice on the tank getting hot. I'm going to try and run it without a heater for now since its doing fine without a heater at the moment.

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