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lights out 3 days, and up your dkh to around 14. watch your PH you want to raise your PH with your DKH slowly, skim very wet while you go dark.. depending on your bioload you could pull some fish out to lessen your bioload. if your sure its dinoflagilates. they are often mistaken for cyano. its really rare to see them in our small captive reefs.

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When I had them, I

Raised the PH to 8.3+

lessened the lighting period

daily siphon out about 5 gallons and replace with clean water

pulled some rocks out and scrubbed them

ran carbon

changed rockscape to be more open

kept up with cleaning and small changes, and they slowly dissapeared.

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Gonna do 3 days of dark, while siphoning through a filter sock 5 gallons a day and replacing the water. Then a day of short light period. And repeat for a few weeks while slowing raising alk and ph.

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Well after 3 days of darkness, tank wrapped in towels. skimming like a mofo, and changing out the filter sock the tank is totally clean again. I also added a ton of carbon after the darkness. I went ahead and cut my lights back to only 2 hours the first 2 days, then gonna move to 3 hours for 2 days and so on till it starts to creep back.

The skimmer cup was full after 3 days of darkness. I cleaned it before starting. So that is a good sign. Also feeding every 4 days since I only have my CC and 2 clowns.


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Still has not made a comeback, Have been slowly adding more light time, Been wet skimming and have been putting off this weeks water change as I hear it really helps starving them out. Luckily I have only 2 fish and few small coral frags, and feed lightly. About 50 gallons total water volume.

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