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Mushroom 2 weeks purchased and still not open any ideas?


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here he is i got him two weeks ago from a LFS. all my tank params are correct however i have not tested Calcium.

this is supposed to be a green striped shroom.

any suggestions?

I have tried changing flow rate and lighting intensity for 3 days at a time in each position. i finally glued him to this rock and chips fall where they may.


Edited by joshgabel
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Calcium wont affect soft coral so much as lps and sps. What are the perameters?

6gal cube (7gal total) - no skimmer

filtering with:

Kent - phosphate sponge

Seachem - purigen

.5 gal weekly water changes.

dosing: Kent - strontium & molybdenum

Kent - Tech M Magnesium

dosed per bottle instructions.

No2 - 0.05

no3 - 10ppm

nh3 - Undetectable

ph - 8.2

Temp - 76

sal - 1.025

alk - 2.6

gh - 180

KH - 180

Edited by joshgabel
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My mushrooms hate glue, you're generally better putting them in some container with rubble and letting them attach. After that, ignore them, it should bounce back if you just let it be.

thanks for the advice. he was attached to a shell when i purchased him. i was careful to only glue the shell and not the shroom. but i will remember this in the future.

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