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New feeding dish


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After 4 years I finally had a custom acrylic seahorse dish made. I've been keeping my eyes open for one for all this time on various sites and finally asked Jack from Mr. Cob's Wet Acrylic. I got it Wed night and I love it!! Jack does the best acrylic work I've seen. I have a rubble box from him as well. I just wanted to share some pictures of it. The bowl I had been using all along worked fine, except I had to unplug all pumps to use it or all the mysis would just blow out. Also, the seahorses couldn't really hold on to the sides of the bowl and they'd just slide into it and that would push the mysis out. This dish allows me to keep all the pumps on and the horses have a hitch, and I don't lose any mysis. I haven't decided yet exactly where I want to place it.

In the pics you can see how first I put the tube in the bowl, then put the chunk of frozen mysis in the tube to melt and sink. When all the mysis is in the bowl I can slowly pull the tube out and here come the seahorses to feast!













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looks great Kim! I love the pics where the seahorse is mounted on the rod!

We are accepting custom orders for those interested and at some point they will be added to the site as a product once we finalize on a prototype.

Thanks for sharing the pics Kim!

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ohhh - I want one! How does it keep the mysis in the "trough"? I've had that exact problem with a diy version I made out of a bird feeder - the mysis just come flying out!

Yeah, the mysis flying out is such a huge pain. The seahorses can sure be lazy sometimes about swimming after their food. I'd frequently find them sitting at the empty bowl wanting more because the mysis all blew out or was pushed out. I'm pretty sure what keeps the mysis in is the depth of the feeder. I don't lose any mysis even when the small male dives right in the bowl like he loves to do. It makes feeding so much cleaner!

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I like the design! Would it be helpful to have hitching posts on all three sides of the dish? In one of you pictures the seahorse is trying to eat from the side.

My thoughts exactly! I'm having Jack make another one a teeny bit wider and a wrap-around hitch. After seeing how great this one is, I think the new one will be perfect. Of course some people have a small tank and might want the simpler, smaller one. Now I just need to get a picture of all seahorses eating at it at the same time :)

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Here's a pic of two of my seahorses eating out of the trough. I don't think they know what to do with the hitching post yet :). Oh, and I think the key to keeping the mysis in the trough (I have cyclopes in mine) is letting the shrimp drift to the bottom of the trough via the feeding tube.





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