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Is my starfish being eaten?


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So I've had this small starfish for maybe 2 weeks without a problem, added another (larger) starfish, went another week without a problem, then added a dwarf fuzzy lion fish and a copper banded butterfly on thursday.

Today, I came home and noticed that half of one of the smaller starfishes legs was missing, and it wasn't cut in half the short way, but rather the leg was missing the under-half, and the top skin half was still intact, connected to him but just sort of floating around.

earlier i saw him and it looked like he may have been stuck between two rocks, so i dismissed it.

i came back later and realized the rest of his leg has disappeared.

I went to the fish store and they said it probably wasn't the butterfly or the lion fish, so I was just wondering what you guys thought it could be.

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the tank is a 40 breeder. i can't imagine he was starving because he was eating some clam meat i put in the tank the day before.

i do have blue leg hermit crabs though... do you think it could have been them?

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well, around noon today i looked around and starfish only had two legs left, all tattered... so he's gone.

In unrelated news, the butterfly fish seemed to wedge himself in-between the live rock and the side of the tank, and died :( two deaths in one day :(

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Oh man, that's rough. Sorry to hear that. I don't have any advice seeing as I've only had any luck with brittle stars. I lost the other type I tried for some unknown reason. He just sort of dissolved one day. I hope that's the end of your losses!

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