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Which kind should I get? Erectus, Kuda, Reidi . . .


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Hey All,

Any opinions out there about the pros/cons/best type of seahorse to keep? I would like to have 3, maybe 4. I'm willing to mix breeds if it's possible. I'd like color - yellow, maybe orange (I know the hitching posts will have a lot to do with this). They are going into my seahorse only 24 gallon Cardiff.


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Also wondering - I'd love to get a mated pair so I can witness the courtship dance, but I do not want to raise fry. If I get a male/female pair am I going to have to deal with fry?

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Oh, how fun! If you're going for color get reidi. Not sure how many you can put in that tank though as they are petty big. How tall is the tank?

Erectus are really the easiest fry to raise. All others are much harder if not impossible. But if you have males and females in a healthy tank you can plan on fry!

Are the ones from diver's den captive raised? You'd have to do the whole deworming and training to eat frozen thing. They are sure gorgeous! I'm excited to see what you go with!

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