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New Reefer Born to Calvin and Laura (Medi)

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Congratulations to Calvin (a.k.a...Medi) and his wife Laura on their new baby boy!! :thumbsup:

He is so precious. Can't wait to meet the little guy.

Calvin...please let us know if there is anything we can do to help out.

Evan Karlin Coles was born at 0559 today. 8 lbs 10.3 ounces 21 inches. Mom an baby are doing great!


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AWESOME!!! Congrat on all levels, this is one of GODs greatest gifts to mankind. (hopefully that doesnt offend you, im sorry if so) He will forever show you things that you never thought of, including all the new little things he does as he grows up. I have lost ur # but as Chad n Belinda said if there is anythng needed LMK. If you need a meal cook and brought to ya i can make it happen. Again CONGRATS....mine is almost 20 mnths and it honestly goes by FAST...

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