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ASM Skimmer Downgrade Trade


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I have a ASM G-3 skimmer with Sedra 5000 needlewheel pump in the sump on my tank, and it works great, just a little big for my system and I'm trying to get the heat down a little without a chiller by getting a smaller skimmer/pump. Anyone intersted in trading up from a G-1 or mini-G skimmer, I prefer the ASM brand for the quality. The skimmer needs to work obviously, but it would be an even one for one swap if you have an ASM G-1 or mini-G.



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let me see if any G1 trades come in the next week, but i might take you up on the upgrade, the 5000 pump is really big, so it seems like a win-win deal for a smaller unit and smaller pump, the G3 is more than i need

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Haven't gotten any more offers, I'm still interested in trading down. Where are you located? I'm leaving town for a few days, maybe we can link up early next week. I'd call it an even swap, but wouldn't turn down a tiny frag of any type zoa (or whatever) or a scoop of some established substrate (sand or crushed coral) to get some fresh critters in my new crushed coral, but neither are deal makers or breakers.

I just cleaned the pump really well this past week it's running great, it's got a gate valve mod on it too to help keep it adjusted. I'll clean the body once I pull everything out of the sump, just let me know if you're still interested

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I have a G-1 or a G-1X, can't remember since it's been so long. I need to order a new impeller for it and it'll be good as new. I haven't gotten around to that since I've been running my Euroreef. Let me know if you are interested and I'll order the replacement impeller and make sure everything is up to order for a trade. Thanks.


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I'd be interested in your G-1 trade if I don't hear back from Bluespotjawfish in the next day or so...let's say by Sunday PM, if no word I'll shoot you a PM. My skimmer is running on my tank now, so no rush until the replacement is working.

Bluespotjawfish, are you still interested? Please let me know by tomorrow night...


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