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Zoa/paly questions


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I have 2 problems I could use some thoughts on.

1 - I have a plug full of kedds red zoas that haven't opened at all in many weeks, maybe a month or more. Nothing is melting or looks like it's decaying. Just not opening. It's starting to look like maybe diatoms are growing on them. Should I try a hydrogen peroxide dip, freshwater, or what? I've already tried a dip in Seachem's Reef Dip with no luck.

2 - I got 2 of the melting nebula palys from aqua sd last order and today they came loose from the plug. They are wide open and happy in the rubble box but don't have any sand or anything at the base to re-glue. What should I do with them to reattach to rock? I'd hate to lose them.


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I have 2 problems I could use some thoughts on.

1 - I have a plug full of kedds red zoas that haven't opened at all in many weeks, maybe a month or more. Nothing is melting or looks like it's decaying. Just not opening. It's starting to look like maybe diatoms are growing on them. Should I try a hydrogen peroxide dip, freshwater, or what? I've already tried a dip in Seachem's Reef Dip with no luck.

2 - I got 2 of the melting nebula palys from aqua sd last order and today they came loose from the plug. They are wide open and happy in the rubble box but don't have any sand or anything at the base to re-glue. What should I do with them to reattach to rock? I'd hate to lose them.


1) Once zoas start to refuse to open I've found you're not going to make it worse. Doing a quick dip and then moving them to a different section of the tank is probably a good idea. They might be looking for more/less flow or more/less light. With something growing on them I would aim for more flow. Don't be afraid to move them around.

2) If you can, put them in a cutoff plastic drinking cup with a lot of rubble in the bottom. Palys are great at attaching within a few days and then you can move the rubble wherever you want them to end up. Just keep in mind that wherever you put them, they'll spread.

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I've had success in just putting a dallop of glue on a frag plug and pushing the actual polyp into it. Just make sure you don't get it anywhere where they will not be able to open. Also, dip it in the water as quick as possible so it doesn't heat up and kill the polyp.


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+1 for what Mike said.

1: If they aren't opening at all, then eventually they are going to start dying, so may as well move them.

Where are they currently located as far as light and flow go?

I would try moving them to slightly more flow first. Most zoa don't need a Lot of light, so I'd work on that second; unless they are currently in a shaded spot.

At the very least, I'd try to blow off whatever may be on them (put em infront of a power head for a moment), or a quick dip.

2: If they are open and happy, then they'll re-attach on their own. If you want them on one rock, or in a specific place, then you can just glue them wherever you want them.

I've done it exactly as Ty suggested. Just put a drop of superglue on the rock, then stick the paly's base on it. The superglue gel only takes a couple seconds before it's nice and sticky, so you can lower it back into the water pretty quickly. Certainly try not to get glue on the opening, but they can recover. I recently glued down 2 zoa polyps, and it rolled in my fingers as I was trying to get it on the rock. Glue got all over one of the polyps. It took about a week, but the zoa slowly pushed through and eventually opened up fully.

Good luck!

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I had the same Problem Ordering From Aqua SD and their frags not being glued down very well. Except on the Zoas that they came loose on were only 1 polyp. So when it came loose in my tank it was pretty much impossible to find 1 polyp. I contacted them and they said next time you order we will get it put those in. Well that's kind of funny that I have to order again to fix a problem with my last order. Why would I want to make another order to get corals that I would have to reglue and worry about loosing. You can just super glue the coral to a rock or a frag plug.

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I had the same Problem Ordering From Aqua SD and their frags not being glued down very well. Except on the Zoas that they came loose on were only 1 polyp. So when it came loose in my tank it was pretty much impossible to find 1 polyp. I contacted them and they said next time you order we will get it put those in. Well that's kind of funny that I have to order again to fix a problem with my last order. Why would I want to make another order to get corals that I would have to reglue and worry about loosing. You can just super glue the coral to a rock or a frag plug.

This has been my experience when ordering from them too. I think most of what they ship out are brand new frags. It's not usually a problem though because I remove almost everything from the plug and secure directly to rock. I don't like to see the plugs ^_^ Just jump in on the next Aqua SD group buy and have your replacements sent. Then you don't have to order anything new. That sucks!

These 2 palys though are just naked. In my very limited experience fragging coral, and only softies, it's the fresh cut that attaches to rubble. That's why I wasn't sure what to do with these since they are completely healed over. I might try the super glue to a piece of rubble then glue that to rock.

Thanks for the advice. Still not sure what to dip the zoas in. Maybe I'll give the peroxide a try.

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I will get in on the next group buy that is a good idea. I thought it was a little messed up when I spent $200 on coral and half of it wasn't glued down very well. And wasn't glued down when I pulled the bags out of the box. I didn't even think to check the zoas when I put them in my tank since they were attached to the plugs for about 24 hours.

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