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Baby Fox Coral

C Lo Slice

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I picked up a single-headed Fox Coral from the Dome yesterday (for a measly $9, I might add!). He still hasn't opened up all the way, which I didn't really expect him to anyways. But in my researching, I learned these guys like little flow and moderate lighting, and it was suggested to keep them down on the sandbed. Well, that's where I put him. I buried the skeleton in the sand, just to kind of hide it and to give the coral a bit of stability. I woke up this morning and the skeleton is no longer buried and the whole coral itself is turned 90 degrees from where I initially placed it. I assume this is the doing of my one arrogant hermit crab (he scoots around in a shell way too big for him. It's so large that he can no longer climb on the rocks, so he has been living on the sandbed). Anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent further torment of my new baby?

And, just for kicks, here is a picture of him last night under actinics (still not inflated all the way, but beginning to poke his head out a bit)


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Yeah, probably the hermit did knock it over.

My only worry with it just laying on the ground like that is it might get dragged by a crab, and may damage the soft part of the coral.

You might try burying it in the sand next to your rockwork, and then place some rocks on either side to help stabilize it, and maybe prevent crab harassment.

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You could get rid of the hermit ;) I picked up a fox coral this weekend too. I love your little one! It looks great in the picture. I've been waiting 7 months for one. I hope you end up finding a good spot for yours.

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Well I didn't want to wait that long but I couldn't find it anywhere online and the dome couldn't get it in. So I just about gave up. The waiting wasn't by choice!

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