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Wrasse has pop-eye


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Following one of my clowns death it looks like my wrasse has a white puffy eye. I'm guessing this is what's commonly referred to as pop-eye?

Problem is, I'm treating my OTHER clown now for brook which uses formalin and I'm not sure if I'll have issues treating the QT tank with both medications or if formalin might help with pop-eye too.

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I don't know much about this, but I think formalin is for parasites, and pop eye is a bacterial infection. Sorry you're having so much trouble! That's always a bummer.

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I don't know much about this, but I think formalin is for parasites, and pop eye is a bacterial infection. Sorry you're having so much trouble! That's always a bummer.

Good point. I was reading that if it's only in one eye (as it is right now) it may not be pop-eye but just a bump with a rock or a tussle with another fish. I'll watch the wrasse for further issues and go from there I guess.

I did find a threat that mentions using Formalin for popeye.

Back when i worked at a LFS, a common treatment we used for popeye was a formalin dip.

Basically, we took a gallon of tank water, and the recommended amount of formalin (says on the container) per gallon... dropped in an airstone for aeration , and left the fish in there for roughly 40-45 minutes... i can't tell you scientifically what this did for the fish, although i can tell you that the formalin in general tended to help a lot of the fish in the store, it was used on a daily basis...

of course we lost some fish, but thats the nature of a store to some extent as well.

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wow! sorry for your misfortunes! that really sucks man. Ive been n through all those things as a freshwater balloon Mollie owner! (over 50) but i have taken every precaution and done endless nights off research, just HOPING i can help my tank problem free

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