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Finally! First water change


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Well after a month+ of running the tank I finally got a water change in. There really wasn't anything in my tank but LR until recently so I wasn't overly concerned.

My question to you folks is: What do you do with your saltwater you took from the tank? When I dumped the water from transporting my LR I did it in the tub and then ran the tub a bit after the fact. A week later the metal trim/stopper on my tub was eaten up so I'm not making that mistake again.

I've read folks dump in the lawn but I see mixed consensus as to whether it's killing grass off for people.

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I dump it in the flower bed that doesn't have any flowers in it. All it's got in there is weeds, and it doesn't seem to both them at all, so not sure if it would hurt grass or not. It's right outside the door, so it's convenient.

To your rust situation. For that reason, I never dump salt water down sink or tub. If I need to dispose of salt water inside the house, I flush it down the toilet. I usually do that when I bring home livestock and need to dispose of a bag of someone else's tank water.

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I dump it in the flower bed that doesn't have any flowers in it. All it's got in there is weeds, and it doesn't seem to both them at all, so not sure if it would hurt grass or not. It's right outside the door, so it's convenient.

To your rust situation. For that reason, I never dump salt water down sink or tub. If I need to dispose of salt water inside the house, I flush it down the toilet. I usually do that when I bring home livestock and need to dispose of a bag of someone else's tank water.

I'd prefer not to use the toilet either as our new toilets have a 'sanigloss' coating on them and I'm not sure if salt water would have an effect on it...

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I don't know what's best but my water goes in the toilet simply because it's quick and easy. Never put much thought into it. On the lawn sounds fine, but sodium build up in soil can be a serious problem down the road, so maybe spread it out. I'm curious what others do...

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We have a utility/mud room with a plastic sink in it, so that is where I dump my used water.

I would think the saltwater would kill grass, but like another said, maybe only if you use the exact same spot every time.

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My saltwater gets used to clean the filter pads in my canister filter, then two trees in the backyard get a split of the five gallons of dirty water. My trees are flourishing (brand new house, thus brand new baby trees) and the grass around the two trees are the greenest, quickest growing patches in the yard. I've never really thought twice about the salt damaging my lawn, but it actually seems to be helping at the moment.

Whenever I buy something new for the tank, the baggy of water goes down the kitchen sink, although I will probably stop this practice. I never considered rust

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