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Reef Safe Butterfly


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I've had 2 in my 150 which is sps dominate. No problems here! I feed mine every other day and they were fat,dumb, and happy. It's kond of like everything else in the hobby it's hit or miss.


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So a copperbandwon't mess with zoas or hammers? Of course if properly fed....Bry, you have one in your tank now?

I do have a copperband bf and and have had him a little over a year I believe. Mostly I have softies (zoaz, shrooms, ricordea) in my tank not but I did have on SPS when I got him and the fish never cared for them. I only feed him once a day. He doesn't like anything but frozen food so, for me, a fish feeder is out of the question.

If you are considering the copperband, read up on their acclimation and feeding. Acclimating is fine itself, but they often have a little ich and often don't eat away. Mine was a little of both buy adding garlic drops to all his feedings quickly got him healthy and a great eater.

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The Golden Semilarvatus Butterflyfish is considered reef safe. http://www.aquacon.com/Butterflyfish_saltwaterfish.html

How can they claim reef safe when in their own description they say:

Soft Corals and most Invertebrates should do fine with the Butterflyfish, but it may likely decimate Stony Corals, as they are a part of its natural diet.
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