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My brother had nudis and he bombed his tank and did the whole process including siphoning and water changes... carbon etc... I got some from him anyways. Looked like they were all gone but they were still there.

For my tank, I decided wasn't worth it to do that. They got into a large population of them but once I added small chromis to eat all the pods on the glass, my flatworms all but disappeared. I'm sure they are there but the population is in check. Basically, remove their food source and they diminished... no chemicals. I can stand 10-20 flatworms in my 125 gallon tank... doesn't bug me enough to risk my corals or fish.


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Bruce at AquaTek told me the only solution for zoa nudis is to dip outside the tank... if you have seen folks elsewhere having success using FE against zoa nudis, I would appreciate the link. Also documentation for the 3x strength procedure since my understanding is that it's rarely advisable to introduce anything chemical into a tank at higher concentrations...

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