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Do Frogspawn Have Hidden Feet?


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Friday, I posted on my Tank Build thread that I had found my missing frogspawn. ( I had emptied out my tank and when the last couple of rocks were removed, there it was. It had worked it's way underneath to an empty space. When it was missing then, I could occasionally see it). I was excited, took a few pictures, and very glad to see that it was still there yesterday. Good thing I took a lot of pictures, because it is gone again. I looked in the back of the tank and in all of the spots between rocks--gone! How do these guys move? How do I get it to stay put? I initially tried superglue gel on a frag plug, twice, but each time after a couple of hours it would get loose. There was a lot of slime each time, so maybe I glued the slime instead of the frogspawn. It was very small, but I am pretty sure I got the foot each time. Should I just leave it wherever it is now? I will be moving the tank back to the school in August, but that is at least 12 weeks away. I am open to suggestions, including the correct way to glue it.

Here is a picture of it last night:




Edited by Duncan7
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You should be gluing the hard skeleton, which won't produce any slime. Epoxy would also work.

As for moving, strong water currents or hermit crabs can move them around. Or fish. I had a clownfish that liked to move corals around.

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I have had a hard time locating the hard skeleton. There isn't much to it when I pull it out to work on it. I'll give it another try, though. Do you think I need to go and find it? I did not glue it last night, it has been almost a month since my last attempt.

As far as it moving, I don't have any crabs, but I have worse: two damselfish who like to move stuff, I just didn't think about them moving corals. Last week one or both of them completely buried my kenya tree coral, the tiny one, three days running. They finally stopped that. Maybe this is their new game.


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They can have a fairly small skeleton, but it's there. They are a stony coral so it'll be there. I had one with three heads coming off of it that only had about a square quarter inch skeleton.

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I dug out the frogspawn, again. I tried gluing it to a plug and it came of fairly quickly. I give up. I must be trying to glue it in the wrong spot. For now, I have put a plastic basket over the top of it with a rock on top. At least it won't hide out under the rocks until I am ready to try again. If anyone in the Elgin area wants to give me a lesson on gluing frogspawn, I'd be a wonderful student... Oh, I do know that they don't have feet, was just trying to be funny. :)


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You may be able to sit it on a piece of rock and leave it under the basket for a few days. It may decide to attach itself. Of course, with it already having a stony skeleton I'm not sure if it would....but it may be worth a try.

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With the amount of flesh showing in the first picture, there has to be a skeleton, but as Derek said it might be small.

If you can find a place on the sand bed where the damsels leave it alone, then I would let it set there an grow. It will grow out more skeleton, and then you can glue that to where you eventually want it.

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