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Hello Austin Reefers!

My name is Kris and although I currently do not have a reef tank running, I have been keeping reef and everything else for 15-20 years. We are moving soon and I will be starting to build/design my 20 long soon. I plan to run a closed loop system using a single Mogul style 175w Halide with DIY L.E.D. actinic lighting. Filtration will be 30+ lbs. of liverock, live sand and plenty of flow in addition to a remora pro skimmer. The inhabitants of the tank will be 100% corals to keep bioload down. Eventually I would like to add a small frogfish but that will be years down the road. Anyway, we are currently living in Kyle and will be moving to Wm. Cannon/Brodie area. Look forward to interaction here and I will try to make a meeting after I feel a bit more comfortable with what happens here.



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