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JEREMY'S 200G eurobraced build


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So here goes, after looking at alot of different tank manufactures i have decided.....IM going to build my own tank. YEP thats right from flat sheets of glass to a 200G rimless. I wanted a tank built a certain way and nobody offerd it so Im going to just build it. Its gonna be 60"x30"x27" (actuall height will be 27 1/2") the 1/2" will be glass on the bottom so it doesnt count. The actual measurements are 59"x29"x27" inside, the overflow will be at 24" so that i have 3" of space to the top for making the wave. I have a hand drawing and a quote on the glass i am just waiting for a business proposal to come threw on Saturday and the glass will be ordered Monday the 9th with about a week of wait time. Oh the front glass will be LOW IRON (starfire). The RG means regular glass and SF means starfire. It will have (2) 3/4" returns, and will be square on the inside and will have an overflow box external on the back with (2) 1" drains. Whatcha think? THis is gonna be fun!!!


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so yes its gonna be 1/2" glass, DALES is 3/4" and its a 440G. The water height will be around 24" so the 1/2' will be fine, my 120G i have now only has 3/8" glass eurobraced. I looked online and found a calculator for glass thickness and there rating is 0-4, 4 being overkill thickness and my dimesions came in at 3.64, it all has to do will the height of the water. If i were gonna fill it the whole way then maybe id go with 3/4". As far a what the overflow box will be? IDK yet how i wanna go. Right now box on back with (2) 1"drains, i know it will be noisey so i just need to look at the options. Oh the actual water volume will only be 185ish to 190

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I orderd a 36x36x20 rimless tank from glasscage two months ago and they used

1/2" glass or .44" (exact measurement). Not sure what the price difference is

for 5/8" vs 1/2" but you might want to consider checking. Engieers like a safety factor :)

for the "just in case"

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.44" is .06" smaller than 1/2". 5/8"=.625, 3/4=.75 I may go ahead and eurobrace the top but it wont have a center brace. I cut all the glass tonight for the overflow box, just need to drill holes and clean up the edges before i glue it together. Here is a calculator. The top # is side glass minimun thickness and the bottom # is the bottom glass thickness.


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Jermey...very cool man! :thumbsup:

Everything sounds awesome. My only suggestion is that I would not use starphire glass, I will never use it again. It scratches way to easy. If you want to use starphire and keep it scratch free be prepared to hand scrap it instead of using a cleaner magnet. If a small piece of coraline gets underneath the pad or if a piece of sand gets under it you will have some scratches. I'm super careful with cleaning mine and I still get scratches that just show up on it and as picky as I am it drives me crazy. I know that you are picky too. Anyways just my 2 cents.

Good luck man, sounds like a fun project.

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well the frame work for the stand is almost done today, gotta add 2 braces and then is on to the trim work. I put the tank to where it will be at eye level look ing at center of tank, top of tank will be right at 6'. I know ill need a ladder to get into it but i hate looking down into a tank. Also give me tons of room for equipment. got some cool ideas on what im gonna do down below. Im ordering the new sump,skimmer, and wavebox extension this week. Glass was orderd Saturday and shld be here in a week n half or so. I went ahead and splurged a little to have them end and polish all the glass so there are no imperfections there, also it will make the fit and finish alot better. the top is DBL 2x4s, the legs are TRIPLE 2x4s. I staggered the 2x4s on the legs like you build a corner in a house for strenght. And like i said i still have to add the center bracing. Enjoy!!!



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just a little update, cut holes in wall tonight for the 2x20amp circuits, i had my helper with me supervising. Also i mocked up the oveflowbox. The back of the box is actually on the wrong side, just seeing how everything fit.




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thats what the taped up areas are for, i used a whole saw bit to drill across the studs and run wire, the fun part was having a vaulted ceiling with a roof line thats almost the same. The wire is already in the box

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thats what the taped up areas are for, i used a whole saw bit to drill across the studs and run wire, the fun part was having a vaulted ceiling with a roof line thats almost the same. The wire is already in the box

I see it now... pulling wire can be a PITA....

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well i got the wall finished and the plug installed 2nt, ohh.. and some equipment showed up today. The sump, skimmer, and wavebox extension. Im gonna use my electronics from the wavebox i have for the extension. I went with the Precision Marine R36+ sump, there equipment is just awesome!!! The skimmer is a new company that alot of ppl are talkn about on Reef Central with good reviews so far, its the SM201. Cant wait to getfor the glass to show up, there is still alot of work to do, canopy, chiller moveing outside, just a bunch of things to think about.




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i Agree...i wanted a partial cone skimmer and realy wasnt sure what brand i wanted. I looked at these for about a week and decided to bite the bullett. Also i wanted a skimmer that if later on i wanted a bigger tank then i wouldnt have to buy another one. I just hope that all my planning goes as PLANNED...inevitably something will change. I guess the only bad thing right now i if i trim out the tand it wont fit threw my garage door, i will have to cut all the outer skin and put it together in the house. Meaning final sanding of the edges,staining,painting etc will be done inside. I could take the inner trim that eals the door off and it would fit. IDK what route im gonna go.

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